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A winter safari to South Africa

This gallery contains 40 images from a trip in June to:
Makweti Safari Lodge, Welgevonden in the Limpopo Province (pages 1 & 2)
Jaci's Safari Lodge, Madikwe in the North West Province (pages 3 & 4)
Kloof House, Pretoria (page 5)

All images are © Robbie Hildred 2006
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Makweti Lodge Welgevonden
Makweti Lodge Welgevonden
Makweti Tree abstract: euphorbia cooperii
Makweti Tree abstract: euphorbia cooperii
female kudu (and zebra and warthogs) from viewing platform Makweti Lodge
female kudu (and zebra and warthogs) from viewing platform Makweti Lodge
Blue wildebeest, chacma baboon, burchell's  zebra warthog
Blue wildebeest, chacma baboon, burchell's zebra warthog
Burchells Zebra from viewing platform Makweti Lodge
Burchells Zebra from viewing platform Makweti Lodge
zebra sparring and biting, Makweti Lodge
zebra sparring and biting, Makweti Lodge
chacma baboons and warthogs, Makweti Lodge
chacma baboons and warthogs, Makweti Lodge
frisky warthogs Makweti Lodge
frisky warthogs Makweti Lodge
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