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Robbie | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Kenya: Tsavo and Chale Island tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kenya: Tsavo and Chale Island

These are pix from a "Go-slow" (relaxing) safari at the end of January and then onto the beach in early February...

I have one gallery for Tsavo and another for Chale

At Tsavo West, we didn't go out until 08:30am, after breakfast...
returning for lunch around midday
We then went out again from 5pm until dinner at around 7 to 7:30pm...

The short rains had only finished about a week before our arrival, so the grass was very long...
and we didn't see any lions, who could easily conceal themselves.
Neither did we get any clear views of Kilimanjaro, which was still obscured by clouds.

Chale Island is at the southern end of Diani beach and only just accessible by tractor at low tide...otherwise a boat is required.

All images are © Robbie Hildred 2022.
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Tsavo West
:: Tsavo West ::
Chale Island
:: Chale Island ::