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Randy Waltz | profile | all galleries >> Josh's Galleries >> Disneyland 50th Anniversary Opening Day tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Disneyland 50th Anniversary Opening Day

Sneak Peek of Disneyland's Parade of Dreams.
Crowd for Disneyland Sneak Peek Parade
Crowd for Disneyland Sneak Peek Parade
Disneyland 50th Anniversary Lamp Post
Disneyland 50th Anniversary Lamp Post
Pinocchio's Fairy Godmother
Pinocchio's Fairy Godmother
Bippity Boppity Boo
Bippity Boppity Boo
Peter Pan Float
Peter Pan Float
Tinker Bell
Tinker Bell
Peter Pan
Peter Pan
Alice in Wonderland's White Rabbit
Alice in Wonderland's White Rabbit
Alice in Wonderland's Queen of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland's Queen of Hearts