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Cold water ascent.
Cold water ascent.
Torpedo-loading hatch of U-352, partially obscured by tip of scuba fin upper left.
Torpedo-loading hatch of U-352, partially obscured by tip of scuba fin upper left.
Turtle napping in forward torpedo tube of U-352.
Turtle napping in forward torpedo tube of U-352.
Chris on board dive boat.
Chris on board dive boat.
Chris in his element.
Chris in his element.
Shark bait. Bahamas
Shark bait. Bahamas
Engine from DC-3. Nassau, Bahamas
Engine from DC-3. Nassau, Bahamas
Caribbean reef shark (with jack) in open water.
Caribbean reef shark (with jack) in open water.
Sand tiger patrolling wreck of the Aeolus.
Sand tiger patrolling wreck of the Aeolus.
Queen angelfish
Queen angelfish
Blue tang.
Blue tang.
Yellowtail snapper.
Yellowtail snapper.
Tiger grouper at cleaning station.
Tiger grouper at cleaning station.
Loggerhead and two admiring French angelfish.
Loggerhead and two admiring French angelfish.
Benwood wreck. Key Largo, FL (07/04)
Benwood wreck. Key Largo, FL (07/04)
USS Duane. Key Largo, FL
USS Duane. Key Largo, FL
USS Spiegel Grove. Recoil springs on gun mount. Key Largo, FL
USS Spiegel Grove. Recoil springs on gun mount. Key Largo, FL
Well-hidden spiney lobsters
Well-hidden spiney lobsters
Florida Keys swimmers.
Florida Keys swimmers.
Coral-encrusted propeller
Coral-encrusted propeller