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Military Through the Ages 2009

This event was held at Jamestown Settlement, VA.
Jamestown Settlement entrance
Jamestown Settlement entrance
Jamestown guard
Jamestown guard
Jamestown guard
Jamestown guard
Early Native American warrior
Early Native American warrior
Colonial Nurse 1774 - 1783
Colonial Nurse 1774 - 1783
Civil War soldier
Civil War soldier
Stacked arms
Stacked arms
Loading drill
Loading drill
24th British Infantry 1879
24th British Infantry 1879
24th British Infantry 1879
24th British Infantry 1879
German officer WWI
German officer WWI
German soldier WWI
German soldier WWI
German soldier WWI
German soldier WWI
Salvation Army 1917
Salvation Army 1917
American GIs WWII
American GIs WWII
51st Combat Engineer Battalion 1945
51st Combat Engineer Battalion 1945
US Paratrooper: 507th PIR 1945
US Paratrooper: 507th PIR 1945
British Stray Devil 1944
British "Stray Devil" 1944
German infantry 1942
German infantry 1942
German infantry 1942
German infantry 1942
British Tommy and civilian
British Tommy and civilian
Officer and meal: Workers and Peasants Red Army 1943
Officer and meal: Workers and Peasants Red Army 1943
Soldier: Workers and Peasants Red Army 1943
Soldier: Workers and Peasants Red Army 1943
Bullets and Balalaikas
Bullets and Balalaikas