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Civil War Images

Honoring the flag. Malvern Hill, VA National Park (1991)
Honoring the flag. Malvern Hill, VA National Park (1991)
Capt Buker wrapped in Old Glory. Cold Harbor, VA National Park
Capt Buker wrapped in Old Glory. Cold Harbor, VA National Park
Still life with Sharps. Malvern Hill, VA National Park
Still life with Sharps. Malvern Hill, VA National Park
Visiting an artillery crew. Malvern Hill, VA National Park
Visiting an artillery crew. Malvern Hill, VA National Park
Sharps rifle firing demo. Malvern Hill, VA National Park
Sharps rifle firing demo. Malvern Hill, VA National Park
Springfield rifle firing demo. Malvern Hill, VA National Park
Springfield rifle firing demo. Malvern Hill, VA National Park
Zouve encampment. Malvern Hill, VA National Park
Zouve encampment. Malvern Hill, VA National Park
Marching in the Gettysburg Remembrance Day Parade (11/92)
Marching in the Gettysburg Remembrance Day Parade (11/92)
Encampment at edge of The Cornfield, Antietam National Park (09/91)
Encampment at edge of The Cornfield, Antietam National Park (09/91)
 Rebels drilling at Fort Harrison, VA National Park
Rebels drilling at Fort Harrison, VA National Park