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Robert D. McAlpine | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Best of Friends - Les meilleurs amis tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

CLASS: AVES - Birds - Oiseaux | CLASS: MAMMALIA - Mammals - Mammifères | Winterlude - Le Bal de Neige | Canadian War Veterans - Anciens combattants canadiens | Best of Friends - Les meilleurs amis | People Photos | Barbara and Julia at home. | Barbara and Julia: Spring on the land | Julia At The Tulip Festival | Elizabeth in the Park | Julia at Pink Lake and The Children's Museum | Barbara, Julian and Julia go for a walk amongst the fall colours | Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival - 2014 | In Box | Polar Bears of Churchill | Tim Horton's Soccer - Final Session - 2014-08-08

Best of Friends - Les meilleurs amis

The best part of friendship is sharing good times
The best part of friendship is sharing good times
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Some say dogs are man's best friend.   Maybe they are even a frog's best friend.
Some say dogs are man's best friend. Maybe they are even a frog's best friend.
g1/04/911004/3/112991322.XQ2O2GI2.jpg Future friend
Future friend
Friends can share a log.
Friends can share a log.