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Raymond Ma | all galleries >> Galleries >> a bedtime story >
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Guest 02-Apr-2009 18:08
Love the idea - simple effective and beautiful.

John01-Apr-2009 08:36
Just lovely, less is more. Love the tones btw. V
Pawel30-Mar-2009 15:38
I love this concept and this is perfect for this!!
Paco López26-Mar-2009 16:50
Very good work!! V!
globalgadabout26-Mar-2009 03:19
his and hers...clearly defined jurisdictions...V
Marcia Colelli25-Mar-2009 18:33
Nice idea and composition V
Thomas25-Mar-2009 18:31
This image leaves a lot to the imagination.
Marcia Rules25-Mar-2009 13:11
excellent tones and placement...v
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