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Robert Lankenau | profile | all galleries >> Armenia >> Yerevan tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Yerevan - nice, manageable capital city with lots of neonlights, LA-style glitz, and new developments under construction. Mt. Ararat and its little brother in the background make for a fantastic setting.
Genocide Memorial
Genocide Memorial
Genocide Memorial
Genocide Memorial
Yerevan Cascade
Yerevan Cascade
Yerevan Cascade
Yerevan Cascade
One of the many Cascade fountains
One of the many Cascade fountains
Yerevan roofs
Yerevan roofs
Intimate couple
Intimate couple
View over Yerevan
View over Yerevan
Enjoying the view?
Enjoying the view?
Downtown apartment block
Downtown apartment block
Now a market hall, but formerly the Ayrarat movie theatre (?)
Now a market hall, but formerly the Ayrarat movie theatre (?)
Stalinist train station
Stalinist train station
Yerevan train station
Yerevan train station
New business district under construction in downtown Yerevan
New business district under construction in downtown Yerevan
View over Yerevan towards Mt. Ararat
View over Yerevan towards Mt. Ararat
Big culture center under construction
Big culture center under construction