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Robert Lankenau | profile | all galleries >> Afghanistan >> Panjshir tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Panjshir valley - Oct 2010. Just 1.5 hours from Kabul. Beautiful landscapes and probably still the safest province in Afghanistan.
Driving towards the Panjshir
Driving towards the Panjshir
Panjshir valley village
Panjshir valley village
Panjshir scenery
Panjshir scenery
Panjshir river
Panjshir river
Panjshir scenery
Panjshir scenery
Mountain pass half way up the Panjshir
Mountain pass half way up the Panjshir
Pass road
Pass road
Panjshir river
Panjshir river
this road leads to Baghlan
this road leads to Baghlan
downhill traffic
downhill traffic
eastward valley vista
eastward valley vista
Panjshir scenery
Panjshir scenery
the still unfinished Ahmad Shah Massoud memorial
the still unfinished Ahmad Shah Massoud memorial
posing at Massoud's tomb
posing at Massoud's tomb
Ahmad Shah Massoud memorial
Ahmad Shah Massoud memorial
Soviet weaponry
Soviet weaponry
more weaponry
more weaponry
the Lion of the Panjshir
the Lion of the Panjshir
Panjshir village
Panjshir village
Panjshir scenery
Panjshir scenery