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Robert Lankenau | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Iran tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Here photos from two short trips to Iran thanks to a multiple-entry visa. Iran is a fantastic country with friendly, hospitable people and an incredible amount of beautiful things to see and visit. I highly recommend visiting and will try to return as often as possible.
Imam Reza Shrine - Mashhad
Imam Reza Shrine - Mashhad
Imam Reza Shrine
Imam Reza Shrine
Tourist entrance to Imam Reza complex
"Tourist" entrance to Imam Reza complex
Jelena receiving her chador
Jelena receiving her chador
More shrine stuff under construction
More shrine stuff under construction
Iranians love neon lights!
Iranians love neon lights!
Propaganda in Tehran
Propaganda in Tehran
Khomeini Memorial Mosque, South Tehran
Khomeini Memorial Mosque, South Tehran
91 meters tall
91 meters tall
Si-o-Seh Bridge, Esfahan
Si-o-Seh Bridge, Esfahan
Khaju Bridge
Khaju Bridge
Khaju Bridge
Khaju Bridge
Imam Square at Night
Imam Square at Night
Entrance Portal to Iman Mosque
Entrance Portal to Iman Mosque
Iman Mosque Portal
Iman Mosque Portal
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque
Sheikh Lotfolloh Mosque
Sheikh Lotfolloh Mosque
Ali Qapu Palace
Ali Qapu Palace
Esfahan street
Esfahan street
Friendly faces of Khomeini and a compatriot
Friendly faces of Khomeini and a compatriot
g4/93/586793/3/51918845.IranIran078.jpg Beautiful mural with the Prophet's face left blank.
Beautiful mural with the Prophet's face left blank.
Old caravansarai used as ballpark
Old caravansarai used as ballpark
Water fountain in Esfahan's bazaar
Water fountain in Esfahan's bazaar
Bazaar Door
Bazaar Door
Empty bazaar during Eid ul-Fitr
Empty bazaar during Eid ul-Fitr
Anti-US Mural
Anti-US Mural
Empty bazaar streets
Empty bazaar streets
Empty Bazaar
Empty Bazaar
Minar Jamban - The Shaking Minarets
Minar Jamban - The Shaking Minarets
Money offerings on the tomb
Money offerings on the tomb
Imam Square, Esfahan
Imam Square, Esfahan
Lotfollah Mosque
Lotfollah Mosque
Imam Mosque
Imam Mosque
Lotfolloh Mosque
Lotfolloh Mosque
Ali Qapu viewing terrace
Ali Qapu viewing terrace
View across the terrace
View across the terrace
Palace Terrace
Palace Terrace
Pretty Woman
Pretty Woman
Beautiful Frescos
Beautiful Frescos
Cream-colored dome
Cream-colored dome
Lotfollah interior
Lotfollah interior
Red Cross
Red Cross
Taking aim...
Taking aim...
beautiful mosque interior
beautiful mosque interior
The arched ceiling
The arched ceiling
Beautiful Walls
Beautiful Walls
Chehel Sotun Palace
Chehel Sotun Palace
from across the park
from across the park
Incredible frescos
Incredible frescos
Nice Ceiling
Nice Ceiling
Battling the Uzbeks
Battling the Uzbeks
Shah Abbas II receiving the King of Turkestan
Shah Abbas II receiving the King of Turkestan
Palace Exterior
Palace Exterior
Side view
Side view
The Lonely Planet cover shot 1
The Lonely Planet cover shot 1
Dome in sunlight
Dome in sunlight
Backview of entrance portal
Backview of entrance portal
Sunlight Portal
Sunlight Portal