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Downforce Photography | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ethan tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


March 7, 2007... 6lb 3.8oz... 18"long... born at 8:08am

Ethan at LaFortune Park, Tulsa OK
Ethan at LaFortune Park, Tulsa OK
Ethan 5x5.png
Ethan 5x5.png
5X7_MG_0863 .png
5X7_MG_0863 .png
Aperture  015.png
Aperture 015.png
Aperture  006.png
Aperture 006.png
Ethan BathHorns.png
Ethan BathHorns.png
Ethan & Jake both at 2 1/2 weeks
Ethan & Jake both at 2 1/2 weeks
Jake's Twin!
Jake's Twin!
What the heck are you pointing at me?
What the heck are you pointing at me?
Uh... ummm..... errrrrrrrr.
Uh... ummm..... errrrrrrrr.
Mommy's lips :)
Mommy's lips :)
Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
Nana & Ethan
Nana & Ethan