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Misc Pics

These are all for fun pictures. I hope you enjoy. Any comments, suggestions on improvements or tips are always welcome. Thanks for visiting.
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Jellies from Shedd in Chicago
Jellies from Shedd in Chicago
g9/00/874300/3/157099763.pgCJnP1K.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099762.k3PzInPl.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099760.18G2Zto7.jpg
g9/00/874300/3/157099759.QtQPHvwP.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099757.U334AULu.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099756.OJ4fDDlG.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099755.rUyN58nu.jpg
g9/00/874300/3/157099754.7Jg4jeEt.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099753.17zZrrer.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099752.0f8QVz2F.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099751.fqgM0rvz.jpg
g9/00/874300/3/157099750.GkJ6JizY.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099749.FMUQ92oV.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099748.I3BWLr6V.jpg g9/00/874300/3/157099747.idYAuInC.jpg
One really weird guy
One really weird guy
Brookfield Zoo by Chicago
Brookfield Zoo by Chicago
He found me interesting
He found me interesting
Big guy stretching
Big guy stretching
Hanging out with Mom
Hanging out with Mom
Lovable guy
Lovable guy
Watch this
Watch this
Puttin' on a show
Puttin' on a show
The King (so he thinks)
The King (so he thinks)
A tuff guy and telling us so
A tuff guy and telling us so
A real go getter cat
A real go getter cat
Oliver the just plain lazy cat
Oliver the just plain lazy cat
Watching Cat
Watching Cat
A regal cat
A regal cat
Found it in the file and liked it
Found it in the file and liked it
Tee Time
Tee Time
Tie Dye Lion King
Tie Dye Lion King
Sunset from atop the dune
Sunset from atop the dune
Morning on the deck
Morning on the deck
Kabobs for dinner
Kabobs for dinner
Grandpa is readingzzzzzzzz
Grandpa is readingzzzzzzzz
Loch tide pool monster
Loch tide pool monster
Loch tide pool monster again
Loch tide pool monster again
Even Easy Lane has a curve
Even Easy Lane has a curve
Easy Lane
Easy Lane
Dare I go down to the beach?
Dare I go down to the beach?
Storm coming
Storm coming
Dad and his kid enjoying each other
Dad and his kid enjoying each other
Dad and his kid enjoying each other 2
Dad and his kid enjoying each other 2
What vacation is all about
What vacation is all about
Peaceful tide pool bank
Peaceful tide pool bank
Tide pool avalanche
Tide pool avalanche
Drift wood crop
Drift wood crop
Tall timber on the dune
Tall timber on the dune
Stretching before she swims
Stretching before she swims
Interesting rock pile
Interesting rock pile
Interesting rock pile 2
Interesting rock pile 2
A pearl from Ralph
A pearl from Ralph
Don't wipe you feet on me, buster
Don't wipe you feet on me, buster
Beach dude
Beach dude
Almost as good as it gets
Almost as good as it gets
Tide pool gater
Tide pool gater
Left behind
Left behind
One drop and one blade
One drop and one blade
Early morning.jpg
Early morning.jpg
Almost Done.jpg
Almost Done.jpg
More Morning Mist
More Morning Mist
Crop duster circling
Crop duster circling
for a run at the crops
for a run at the crops
see? he's leaning left.jpg
see? he's leaning left.jpg
peaceful start.jpg
peaceful start.jpg
bleeding hearts.jpg
bleeding hearts.jpg
a single thread.jpg
a single thread.jpg
Sanctuary on Sanibel.jpg
Sanctuary on Sanibel.jpg
group landing.jpg
group landing.jpg
g1/00/874300/3/115518091.LbrdIV8s.jpg Lakota Souix's Community Horses 1
Lakota Souix's Community Horses 1
Lakota Souix's Community Horses 2
Lakota Souix's Community Horses 2
Stack O' Stones.jpg
Stack O' Stones.jpg
Rock Quote 1.jpg
Rock Quote 1.jpg
Pine Burst.jpg
Pine Burst.jpg
Somewhere under the rainbow.jpg
Somewhere under the rainbow.jpg
Lucky Catch.jpg
Lucky Catch.jpg
Gotta Love 'Em.jpg
Gotta Love 'Em.jpg
Beach Day.jpg
Beach Day.jpg
Beach Babe.jpg
Beach Babe.jpg
Balloon Monster.jpg
Balloon Monster.jpg
Balloon Girl.jpg
Balloon Girl.jpg
Almost Done again.jpg
Almost Done again.jpg
Morning Mist Again
Morning Mist Again
Bridger SD Morning
Bridger SD Morning
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