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Richard Larson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Misc Pics tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Misc Pics

These are all for fun pictures. I hope you enjoy. Any comments, suggestions on improvements or tips are always welcome. Thanks for visiting.
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One drop and one blade
One drop and one blade
Early morning.jpg
Early morning.jpg
Almost Done.jpg
Almost Done.jpg
More Morning Mist
More Morning Mist
Crop duster circling
Crop duster circling
for a run at the crops
for a run at the crops
see? he's leaning left.jpg
see? he's leaning left.jpg
peaceful start.jpg
peaceful start.jpg
bleeding hearts.jpg
bleeding hearts.jpg
a single thread.jpg
a single thread.jpg
Sanctuary on Sanibel.jpg
Sanctuary on Sanibel.jpg
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