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Photos of 2021

The “Goonies” House
The “Goonies” House
Dredger Yaquina
Dredger Yaquina
The Astoria Tower
The Astoria Tower
Astoria - Megler Bridge
Astoria - Megler Bridge
Cannon Beach
Cannon Beach
Tillamook Rock Light
Tillamook Rock Light
Yaquina Head Light
Yaquina Head Light
Haceta Head Light
Haceta Head Light
An aptly named Long Beach
An aptly named Long Beach
Bandon Light
Bandon Light
The Mary D. Hume
The Mary D. Hume
Sixes Beach, Castle Rock, Cape Blanco Oregon
Sixes Beach, Castle Rock, Cape Blanco Oregon
Cape Blanco Lighthouse
Cape Blanco Lighthouse
Near Battle Rock
Near Battle Rock
West facing Humbug Mountain catching the evening light
West facing Humbug Mountain catching the evening light
Humbug Mountain
Humbug Mountain
Franklin Rocks
Franklin Rocks
Pacific Ocean at Otter Point State Park
Pacific Ocean at Otter Point State Park
Rogue River Reef
Rogue River Reef
Sunset over Whaleshead Beach, Samuel Boardman State Scenic Corridor
Sunset over Whaleshead Beach, Samuel Boardman State Scenic Corridor
A calm, uncharacteristic Pacific Ocean
A calm, uncharacteristic Pacific Ocean
Samuel Boardman State Scenic Coridoor,
Samuel Boardman State Scenic Coridoor,
Mack Arch, Crook Point
Mack Arch, Crook Point
Arch Rock
Arch Rock
Samuel Boardman State Scenic Corridor
Samuel Boardman State Scenic Corridor
Whaleshead Beach, Oregon
Whaleshead Beach, Oregon
Samuel Boardman State Scenic Corridor
Samuel Boardman State Scenic Corridor
Sport Haven Beach
Sport Haven Beach
Harris Beach State Park
Harris Beach State Park
Pistol River Sea Stacks, Oregon
Pistol River Sea Stacks, Oregon
Pistol River State Park
Pistol River State Park
Cape Sebastian State Corridor, Oregon
Cape Sebastian State Corridor, Oregon
From the summit of Cape Sebastian, Oregon
From the summit of Cape Sebastian, Oregon
Cape Sebastian meets the Pacific
Cape Sebastian meets the Pacific
Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Cape Sebastian
Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Cape Sebastian
A walk among the Sea Stacks at Pistol River State Park, Oregon
A walk among the Sea Stacks at Pistol River State Park, Oregon
g12/98/930298/3/171323839.hVT6By08.jpg g12/98/930298/3/171317078.QFSROtpC.jpg Battery Point Lighthouse
Battery Point Lighthouse