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Richard Fletcher | profile | all galleries >> Astronomy >> Lockwood Valley Observatory tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lockwood Valley Observatory

12' AstroHaven Clamshell Fiberglass Dome
It's a tight fit !
It's a tight fit !
Unloading dome pieces from rental truck
Unloading dome pieces from rental truck
Unloading new panel with access door
Unloading new panel with access door
Assembling the dome
Assembling the dome
Almost Finished !
Almost Finished !
Ready for Imaging
Ready for Imaging
Galaxy Imaging Setup
Galaxy Imaging Setup
Clubhouse and AstroHaven domes in November 2009
Clubhouse and AstroHaven domes in November 2009
Clubhouse and AstroHaven domes in January 2010
Clubhouse and AstroHaven domes in January 2010