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Photos by Kelsey

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Lily - Adana Turkey
Lily - Adana Turkey
Blue Mosque, Istanbul
Blue Mosque, Istanbul
Blue Mosque at Night Istanbul
Blue Mosque at Night Istanbul
Potter, Kapadokia
Potter, Kapadokia
Weaver, Kapadokia
Weaver, Kapadokia
Sisters in Kapadokia
Sisters in Kapadokia
Daddy and the Girls
Daddy and the Girls
13th Century Stone Church Painting, Kapadokia
13th Century Stone Church Painting, Kapadokia
13th Century Stone Church Painting 2
13th Century Stone Church Painting 2
Church Carved in Stone Kapakokia
Church Carved in Stone Kapakokia
Abandoned Cliff Dwellings, Kapadokia
Abandoned Cliff Dwellings, Kapadokia
Mountains on the way to Kapadokia
Mountains on the way to Kapadokia
More Mountains on the way to Kapadokia
More Mountains on the way to Kapadokia
Blue Eyes in Kapadokia
Blue Eyes in Kapadokia
Loaded with Turkish Cotton
Loaded with Turkish Cotton
Miss D Asleep in Turkey
Miss "D" Asleep in Turkey
Star Line, Mersin Turkey
Star Line, Mersin Turkey
The Way to Adana
The Way to Adana
Sisters, Mersin Turkey
Sisters, Mersin Turkey
Sculpture -  Mersin, Turkey
Sculpture - Mersin, Turkey
ITAL VERDE - Mersin, Turkey
ITAL VERDE - Mersin, Turkey
Woodland Duck
Woodland Duck
Miss S High on Snake Castle Near Adana, Turkey
Miss "S" High on Snake Castle Near Adana, Turkey
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