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Michael | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black & White tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Black & White

All images contained herein are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without written permission

This gallery is made up of photos that have been digitally processed to black and white and then to sepia for comparison purposes. I have used color images that for one reason or another were unsalvageable due to my limited photoshop abilities. I hope you enjoy the result. I know I do.
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Winter Highway B & W
Winter Highway B & W
Winter Highway Sepia
Winter Highway Sepia
Tom B & W
Tom B & W
Tom Sepia
Tom Sepia
Rose Sepia
Rose Sepia
'29 Chev
'29 Chev
'29 Chev Sepia
'29 Chev Sepia
Disrepair Sepia
Disrepair Sepia
Spot Sepia
Spot Sepia
Top of the tower
Top of the tower
Top of the tower Sepia
Top of the tower Sepia
A stone overpass
A stone overpass
A stone overpass Sepia
A stone overpass Sepia
Old Sunset Bridge
Old Sunset Bridge
Old Sunset Bridge Sepia
Old Sunset Bridge Sepia
Inside the lily
Inside the lily
Inside the lily Sepia
Inside the lily Sepia
Griffin Sepia
Griffin Sepia
Spanning a small stream
Spanning a small stream
Spanning a small stream Sepia
Spanning a small stream Sepia
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