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Out of Service
Out of Service
Old International
Old International
Making the Rounds
Making the Rounds
Premium Beef
Premium Beef
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Rail Road Truck
Rail Road Truck
Model A Ford Coupe
Model A Ford Coupe
1930 Model A Ford Coupe
1930 Model A Ford Coupe
T-33A T-Bird
T-33A "T-Bird"
DC3 also known as the C-47 Gooney Bird
DC3 also known as the C-47 "Gooney Bird"
A-7 Corsair
A-7 Corsair
Farm Wagon
Farm Wagon
Canadian Pacific, Minot ND
Canadian Pacific, Minot ND
Great Northern Caboose
Great Northern Caboose
Safety First
Safety First
1928 Chevy Sedan
1928 Chevy Sedan
1928 Chevy Coupe
1928 Chevy Coupe
Tug & Barge at Stehekin
Tug & Barge at Stehekin
Tugboat ALASKA
Tugboat ALASKA
One horse power
One horse power
Tour Boat, Downtown Milwaukee
Tour Boat, Downtown Milwaukee
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