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Fresh Washed
Fresh Washed
Wagging Its Tail
Wagging Its Tail
Flying Low
Flying Low
Wide Eyed Goat
Wide Eyed Goat
Right Profile Goat
Right Profile Goat
First Grasshopper Macro
First Grasshopper Macro
Sleepy Eye Goat
Sleepy Eye Goat
Basking in Sunset
Basking in Sunset
Out for a Walk
Out for a Walk
Gathering Acorns
Gathering Acorns
Ruffled Feathers
Ruffled Feathers
An Autumn Pair
An Autumn Pair
Manito Mallard
Manito Mallard
By the Side of the Road
By the Side of the Road
October Gull
October Gull
King and Queen of Beasts
King and Queen of Beasts
Rino Milwaukee County Zoo
Rino Milwaukee County Zoo
Octopus Milwaukee County Zoo
Octopus Milwaukee County Zoo
Octopus Milwaukee County Zoo 2
Octopus Milwaukee County Zoo 2
Horse With No Name
Horse With No Name
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