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Matthew Mannell | all galleries >> Animalia >> Insectoids > Ready for Take Off
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17-JUL-2007 m.mannell

Ready for Take Off

Best Viewed at Original Size

Canon EOS 350D ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
1/200s f/9.0 at 140.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bartosz Kotulski24-Nov-2008 13:18
Simon Chandler24-Jul-2007 03:41
Excellent macro. Beautiful composition and angle. Lovely color and great lighting. v
Joanne Kamo24-Jul-2007 02:07
Fabulous crispness with the wings, luv it. V
Guest 23-Jul-2007 08:51
great macroshot,chapeau.
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography23-Jul-2007 07:42
Dan Ng23-Jul-2007 05:59
Fantastic shot, Matthew. The head-on perspective with wings up means take-off is at any moment. V.
angelique raptakis23-Jul-2007 05:19
very nice shot. i really like the layers of colors and the yellow belly of the butterfly. v
Peter Stahl23-Jul-2007 03:46
Nice perspective and terrific detail. Excellent Matthew! GMV.
Herb 23-Jul-2007 03:26
Nice macro