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09-AUG-2014 Rick Bricker


Edmonton ,Alberta

It became an almost insurmountable task to find a public washroom (that wasn't locked for the weekend)after getting off the LRT downtown....and I had to pee!
Instead of leisurely walking through these hallways,it ended up a frantic trot to find a washroom in time.
"My kingdom for a washroom" I was yelling with my inside voice.Finally found one ...but it was also had to ring a buzzer and then the door would open....6 tries later....I was in!
Oh man that felt good after....nothing says happiness like an empty bladder.....hmmmmm...maybe I am just getting old.
OK...lets go find this parade!

Canon EOS 70D
1/125s f/4.5 at 18.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
ragnarandren07-Sep-2014 20:40
To empty a bladder is one of the few pleasures that still are free of charge! ;-) Ciao, Ragnar
Gary A. Rich (GRainelev)10-Aug-2014 21:40
I can relate to this story. We live about 70 miles from Limon. Some eastbound trips, I have to pull over and go three or four times. One reason that I leave around 4AM!!!!
The joys of growing old, Rick. I travel these times with the zipper down, so a few seconds this way. It is needed quite often. V.
Long Bach Nguyen10-Aug-2014 01:56
I am happy to hear you didn't have to buy new pant LOL
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