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Jim Rickards | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> ottawa tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Parliment Building 8163.jpg
Parliment Building 8163.jpg
Drainpipe Duo 8034
Drainpipe Duo 8034
Drainpipe Duo2 8034
Drainpipe Duo2 8034
Rideau Locks at Sunset 9508
Rideau Locks at Sunset 9508
Elkwood Elk 9591
Elkwood Elk 9591
Colours 0074.jpg
Colours 0074.jpg
Leaves 0062.jpg
Leaves 0062.jpg
Chateau Larier 8224.jpg
Chateau Larier 8224.jpg
Fall Colour and Statue 8222.jpg
Fall Colour and Statue 8222.jpg
Government side 8175.jpg
Government side 8175.jpg
Ottawa River 8200.jpg
Ottawa River 8200.jpg
Ottawa River 8203.jpg
Ottawa River 8203.jpg
Opposition Side 8176.jpg
Opposition Side 8176.jpg
Mallard hen 8091.jpg
Mallard hen 8091.jpg
Hogsback Falls 8083.jpg
Hogsback Falls 8083.jpg
Watsons Mill at Dawn 8248.jpg
Watsons Mill at Dawn 8248.jpg
Watsons Mill 8258.jpg
Watsons Mill 8258.jpg
IMG_8420 Legionaire.jpg
IMG_8420 Legionaire.jpg
Prop 9970
Prop 9970
Canada Goose 0330.jpg
Canada Goose 0330.jpg
Sparrow 0276.jpg
Sparrow 0276.jpg
Mallard Breaking the Ice 0313.jpg
Mallard Breaking the Ice 0313.jpg
Mallard on Ice Drinking 0343.jpg
Mallard on Ice Drinking 0343.jpg
Tower at Sundown 0483.jpg
Tower at Sundown 0483.jpg
Touchdown at Sunset 0484.jpg
Touchdown at Sunset 0484.jpg
Mature Tulip 0718
Mature Tulip 0718
Elk on Alert 0757.jpg
Elk on Alert 0757.jpg
Robin on Wire 8836
Robin on Wire 8836
Robin with Dinner 8846
Robin with Dinner 8846
American Goldfinch 8853.jpg
American Goldfinch 8853.jpg
Bluebird 8861.jpg
Bluebird 8861.jpg
Bobolinks 0881
Bobolinks 0881
RCMP Pano 9267-8 Web
RCMP Pano 9267-8 Web
Horse Jump 9249.jpg
Horse Jump 9249.jpg
RCMP Musical Ride 9272.jpg
RCMP Musical Ride 9272.jpg
Highland Dancers 9253.jpg
Highland Dancers 9253.jpg
RCMP Musical Ride Crop 9272.jpg
RCMP Musical Ride Crop 9272.jpg
RCMP Pano 9267-8 Web
RCMP Pano 9267-8 Web
Elk 9682.jpg
Elk 9682.jpg
Elk 9683
Elk 9683
IMG_7567b Below the Rideau Locks
IMG_7567b Below the Rideau Locks
Garden Rose 0369
Garden Rose 0369
_MG_0402 Throwing the Line 2
_MG_0402 Throwing the Line 2
_MG_0402 Throwing the Line
_MG_0402 Throwing the Line
Parliament Clock 2013
Parliament Clock 2013
Banjo Man 0544.jpg
Banjo Man 0544.jpg
Crooner 0549.jpg
Crooner 0549.jpg
Carrots on display 0535.jpg
Carrots on display 0535.jpg
Frosty Red Leaves 0840.jpg
Frosty Red Leaves 0840.jpg
Grape Cluster 0852.jpg
Grape Cluster 0852.jpg
Woods are Lovely 0973.jpg
Woods are Lovely 0973.jpg
Market Purchase 1079
Market Purchase 1079
Busy Market 1072
Busy Market 1072
Barn on the Hill 2367.jpg
Barn on the Hill 2367.jpg
Round Bale of Hay 2373.jpg
Round Bale of Hay 2373.jpg
Winter Weed in a Field 2371.jpg
Winter Weed in a Field 2371.jpg
 Winter Stream 2393.jpg
Winter Stream 2393.jpg
Winter Stream_2386.jpg
Winter Stream_2386.jpg
Barn and Cornfield 2403.jpg
Barn and Cornfield 2403.jpg
 Barn and Snowbank 2407.jpg
Barn and Snowbank 2407.jpg
Row of Snowy Hay Bales 2413.jpg
Row of Snowy Hay Bales 2413.jpg
Three Bales in Snow 2414.jpg
Three Bales in Snow 2414.jpg
Osprey on Nest 8978.jpg
Osprey on Nest 8978.jpg
Senate Seats 2543.jpg
Senate Seats 2543.jpg
Tulip Bed 9850.jpg
Tulip Bed 9850.jpg
Pretty Lady 9856.jpg
Pretty Lady 9856.jpg
Earliest Flower 9846.jpg
Earliest Flower 9846.jpg
The Empty Bench 0324.jpg
The Empty Bench 0324.jpg
Watsons Mill 0330.jpg
Watsons Mill 0330.jpg
Canoe Sandwich 2274
Canoe Sandwich 2274
In the Lock 2320.jpg
In the Lock 2320.jpg
Camping Canalside 2308.jpg
Camping Canalside 2308.jpg
Camping Canalside 2307.jpg
Camping Canalside 2307.jpg
Wide Waterfall at Dawn 2316.jpg
Wide Waterfall at Dawn 2316.jpg
Rideau Canal Lock 2291.jpg
Rideau Canal Lock 2291.jpg
Windmill 0021.jpg
Windmill 0021.jpg
Heron in Fog 8379.jpg
Heron in Fog 8379.jpg
Ice Sculpting 2390.jpg
Ice Sculpting 2390.jpg
Chopstick Dancer 2412.jpg
Chopstick Dancer 2412.jpg
Chopstick Dancers 2408.jpg
Chopstick Dancers 2408.jpg