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Thomas Bailey | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> What's New in Appalachia? tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

What's New in Appalachia?

This gallery depicts recent scenery in the spring mountains of Appalachia
Eastern Black Swallowtail in Sandy Woodlot tb0811hdr.jpg
Eastern Black Swallowtail in Sandy Woodlot tb0811hdr.jpg
Bunch Wild Strawberries on Cranberry Mtn tb0811kor.jpg
Bunch Wild Strawberries on Cranberry Mtn tb0811kor.jpg
Tree Frog Clinging to Undergrowth v tb0711ck.jpg
Tree Frog Clinging to Undergrowth v tb0711ck.jpg
Brown Salamander in Old Hollow Morel Mushroom tb0611irr.jpg
Brown Salamander in Old Hollow Morel Mushroom tb0611irr.jpg
New Red Maple Leaf Cluster in Appalachia tb0611itr.jpg
New Red Maple Leaf Cluster in Appalachia tb0611itr.jpg
Gill of the Ground Tiny Spring Wildflower tb0611ipr.jpg
Gill of the Ground Tiny Spring Wildflower tb0611ipr.jpg
Early Spring Whittaker Falls on Elk River tb0611itx.jpg
Early Spring Whittaker Falls on Elk River tb0611itx.jpg
Yellow Iris Crouching after Spring Showers tb0511idr.jpg
Yellow Iris Crouching after Spring Showers tb0511idr.jpg
Cat in the Hat Ragwort Leaf Rolled up v tb0611isr.jpg
Cat in the Hat Ragwort Leaf Rolled up v tb0611isr.jpg
Delicate Individual Lilifola Bloom Lateral View tb0511ihx.jpg
Delicate Individual Lilifola Bloom Lateral View tb0511ihx.jpg
Woodland Green Frog in Cranberry Glades tb0611iqr.jpg
Woodland Green Frog in Cranberry Glades tb0611iqr.jpg
New White Violets Bright Spring Mtns tb0611ior.jpg
New White Violets Bright Spring Mtns tb0611ior.jpg
Maple Seed Resting on Granular Sandstone v tb0611orxx.jpg
Maple Seed Resting on Granular Sandstone v tb0611orxx.jpg
Windy Creek Whitewater Rolling Along tb0510trr.jpg
Windy Creek Whitewater Rolling Along tb0510trr.jpg
Crimson Hibernal Leaf Top Toms Woods tb052711a1x.jpg
Crimson Hibernal Leaf Top Toms Woods tb052711a1x.jpg
Applectrum Orchid Displaying Early Buds v tb0511tix.jpg
Applectrum Orchid Displaying Early Buds v tb0511tix.jpg
Springtime Trees Arching over Cranberry River tb0510trr.jpg
Springtime Trees Arching over Cranberry River tb0510trr.jpg
Bending Beech Blooming in Sunny Woods tb0611osr.jpg
Bending Beech Blooming in Sunny Woods tb0611osr.jpg
Rain Soaked Flame Azalea Flowers in Mtns tb0511ikr.jpg
Rain Soaked Flame Azalea Flowers in Mtns tb0511ikr.jpg
Blue Flag Irises after Spring Showers tb0511ijr.jpg
Blue Flag Irises after Spring Showers tb0511ijr.jpg
Low Water Trickling thru Mossy Sugar Branch tb0611irr.jpg
Low Water Trickling thru Mossy Sugar Branch tb0611irr.jpg
IMG_0Hazel Nut Tree Branching into Early Leafage tb0611ip.jpg
IMG_0Hazel Nut Tree Branching into Early Leafage tb0611ip.jpg
Applectrum Budding Out Downward Spiral tb0511rjr.jpg
Applectrum Budding Out Downward Spiral tb0511rjr.jpg
Thomas Reserve Swiftwater in Sun and Shade tb0611iqr.jpg
Thomas Reserve Swiftwater in Sun and Shade tb0611iqr.jpg
Large Spotted Skipper on Sunlit Leaf tb0611ipr.jpg
Large Spotted Skipper on Sunlit Leaf tb0611ipr.jpg
Locust Tree Flowering in Mass on Blue Sky tb0611imr.jpg
Locust Tree Flowering in Mass on Blue Sky tb0611imr.jpg
Double Pink Ladies Front and Rear Scene v tb0511rix.jpg
Double Pink Ladies Front and Rear Scene v tb0511rix.jpg
Sunny Rock House Creek Twisting Falls tb0311icr.jpg
Sunny Rock House Creek Twisting Falls tb0311icr.jpg
Twin Broomrapes Blooming in Cranberry Basin tb0511rkx.jpg
Twin Broomrapes Blooming in Cranberry Basin tb0511rkx.jpg
Mountain Moisture Cascading down Windy Creek tb0510igr.jpg
Mountain Moisture Cascading down Windy Creek tb0510igr.jpg
Milk Snake Browsing thru Open Woodlot tb0510tc.jpg
Milk Snake Browsing thru Open Woodlot tb0510tc.jpg
Bright  White Magnificent Magnolia Bloom tb0511tjr.jpg
Bright White Magnificent Magnolia Bloom tb0511tjr.jpg
Headwaters Thomas Reserve Run Bright Day tb0510ifr.jpg
Headwaters Thomas Reserve Run Bright Day tb0510ifr.jpg
Vibrant Yellow Poplar Bloom and New Leaves tb0511rtx.jpg
Vibrant Yellow Poplar Bloom and New Leaves tb0511rtx.jpg
Red Eft Crawling upon Large Grape Vine tb0511ier.jpg
Red Eft Crawling upon Large Grape Vine tb0511ier.jpg
Blooming Lilifola Orchid in Isolated Woods v tb0511rwr.jpg
Blooming Lilifola Orchid in Isolated Woods v tb0511rwr.jpg
Small Orange Spider Browsing Showy Orchis Bloom tb0511ier.jpg
Small Orange Spider Browsing Showy Orchis Bloom tb0511ier.jpg
Early Blooming Trifida Orchid Cranberry Glades tb0511idr.jpg
Early Blooming Trifida Orchid Cranberry Glades tb0511idr.jpg
Early Season Sunny Gauley River Scene tb0311ibr.jpg
Early Season Sunny Gauley River Scene tb0311ibr.jpg
Flame Azalea Clusters in West Virginia Mtns tb0511rqx.jpg
Flame Azalea Clusters in West Virginia Mtns tb0511rqx.jpg
WV Crab Apple Tree in Peak Bloom tb0511rnr.jpg
WV Crab Apple Tree in Peak Bloom tb0511rnr.jpg
Rushing Spring Whitewater in Williams River Tributary tb0311iar.jpg
Rushing Spring Whitewater in Williams River Tributary tb0311iar.jpg
Twin Showy Ladies with New Bud tb0610shx.jpg
Twin Showy Ladies with New Bud tb0610shx.jpg
Mill Creek Stream Pouring thru Randolph Mtns tb0510tnr.jpg
Mill Creek Stream Pouring thru Randolph Mtns tb0510tnr.jpg
Gorgeous Group of Sunny Yellow Ladies tb0510tsr.jpg
Gorgeous Group of Sunny Yellow Ladies tb0510tsr.jpg
Foursome of Lagre Basswods Reaching Skyward tb0510rrr.jpg
Foursome of Lagre Basswods Reaching Skyward tb0510rrr.jpg
Coeloglossum Orchid Blooming in Appalachian Mtns v tb0511tpr.jpg
Coeloglossum Orchid Blooming in Appalachian Mtns v tb0511tpr.jpg
Cranberry River Large Stones and Blue Sky tb0510tor.jpg
Cranberry River Large Stones and Blue Sky tb0510tor.jpg
Colorful New Maple Folige Appalachian Mtns tb0511tqr.jpg
Colorful New Maple Folige Appalachian Mtns tb0511tqr.jpg
Applectrum Bloom in West Virginia Mtns tb0511tmx.jpg
Applectrum Bloom in West Virginia Mtns tb0511tmx.jpg
Snow White Magnolia Bloom in WV Woods tb0511rgx.jpg
Snow White Magnolia Bloom in WV Woods tb0511rgx.jpg
Sunny Mail Pouch Barn by Leaning Timber tb0510tqr.jpg
Sunny Mail Pouch Barn by Leaning Timber tb0510tqr.jpg
Big Barranshe Run Converging with Cranberry River tb0510tox.jpg
Big Barranshe Run Converging with Cranberry River tb0510tox.jpg
Greenbank Presbyterian Church in Shade tb0510tpr.jpg
Greenbank Presbyterian Church in Shade tb0510tpr.jpg
Yellow Lady with Sepals in Sunshine  v tb0510tox.jpg
Yellow Lady with Sepals in Sunshine v tb0510tox.jpg
Thomas Reserve Stream with Ferns ans Stones tb0510tdr.jpg
Thomas Reserve Stream with Ferns ans Stones tb0510tdr.jpg
Single Lilifola Bloom in Detail on Forest Floor tb0511rqx.jpg
Single Lilifola Bloom in Detail on Forest Floor tb0511rqx.jpg
Twin Pink Ladies Peak Bloom on Mtn Ridge tb0511tgr.jpg
Twin Pink Ladies Peak Bloom on Mtn Ridge tb0511tgr.jpg
Nice Cluster of Black Locust Flowers and Foliage tb0511tkx.jpg
Nice Cluster of Black Locust Flowers and Foliage tb0511tkx.jpg
Empty Red Oak Acorn Tops on Forest Floor tb0511rsx.jpg
Empty Red Oak Acorn Tops on Forest Floor tb0511rsx.jpg
Top of Sugar Creek Falls in Sun Light v tb0510tmr.jpg
Top of Sugar Creek Falls in Sun Light v tb0510tmr.jpg
Inside of Last Seasons Poplar Seed Pod tb0511rex.jpg
Inside of Last Seasons Poplar Seed Pod tb0511rex.jpg
White Monks Hood Blooming in Appalachians v tb0510tbx.jpg
White Monks Hood Blooming in Appalachians v tb0510tbx.jpg
Subtle Mid Stream Multi-Falls Windy Run tb0510tar.jpg
Subtle Mid Stream Multi-Falls Windy Run tb0510tar.jpg
Showy Orchis with Violet Bottoms v tb0511rir.jpg
Showy Orchis with Violet Bottoms v tb0511rir.jpg
Mixed Mosses Converge on Jagged Stones tb0510ter.jpg
Mixed Mosses Converge on Jagged Stones tb0510ter.jpg
Shell Fungi Growing on Old Hickory Log tb0511thx.jpg
Shell Fungi Growing on Old Hickory Log tb0511thx.jpg
Shiny Brown Tree Frog Chilling on Clover Leaves tb0510tax.jpg
Shiny Brown Tree Frog Chilling on Clover Leaves tb0510tax.jpg
Flowering Crab Apple Tree in Old Bailey Field tb0511tlr.jpg
Flowering Crab Apple Tree in Old Bailey Field tb0511tlr.jpg
Stream Water Trickles thru Mossy Sticks and Stones tb0510tdr.jpg
Stream Water Trickles thru Mossy Sticks and Stones tb0510tdr.jpg
Wild Geraniums Glowing in the Sun tb0608tjx.jpg
Wild Geraniums Glowing in the Sun tb0608tjx.jpg
Majestic Ripples thru Thomas Reserve Run tb0510tex.jpg
Majestic Ripples thru Thomas Reserve Run tb0510tex.jpg
Satin White Magnolia Bloom and Center Bud tb0511rgr.jpg
Satin White Magnolia Bloom and Center Bud tb0511rgr.jpg
Pink Lady Triplets Bloom in WV Woods v tb0511tkrr.jpg
Pink Lady Triplets Bloom in WV Woods v tb0511tkrr.jpg
Daddy-Long-Legs on Virgins Bower Leaf tb0510thr.jpg
Daddy-Long-Legs on Virgins Bower Leaf tb0510thr.jpg
Applectrum Orchid Bloom Wide Open in Mtns tb0511ror.jpg
Applectrum Orchid Bloom Wide Open in Mtns tb0511ror.jpg
Yellow Iris Singled Out Among the Group v tb0511rrr.jpg
Yellow Iris Singled Out Among the Group v tb0511rrr.jpg
Cresta Crucifer Tree Frog Sunning on Poplar Leaf tb0510tir.jpg
Cresta Crucifer Tree Frog Sunning on Poplar Leaf tb0510tir.jpg
Lucida Orchid Leaves and Early Buds Spring Out v tb0510tbr.jpg
Lucida Orchid Leaves and Early Buds Spring Out v tb0510tbr.jpg
Pipevine Swallowtail Browsing on Flame Azalea tb0511thr.jpg
Pipevine Swallowtail Browsing on Flame Azalea tb0511thr.jpg
Black Locust Bloom Cluster Unopened Buds v tb0511tir.jpg
Black Locust Bloom Cluster Unopened Buds v tb0511tir.jpg
Lichen and Random Shapes on Sugar Creek Stone tb0510tcx.jpg
Lichen and Random Shapes on Sugar Creek Stone tb0510tcx.jpg
Garter Snake Twisted about in Small Stream tb0510tfr.jpg
Garter Snake Twisted about in Small Stream tb0510tfr.jpg
Tree Frog Hiding Under Serious Cover tb0510tkr.jpg
Tree Frog Hiding Under Serious Cover tb0510tkr.jpg