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Thomas Bailey | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mountains of Appalachia Springing to Life tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mountains of Appalachia Springing to Life

A gallery depicting spring seasonal
changes with unique nature images and
woodland scenes in Appalachia
Platanthera Grandiflora v. alba in Bud tb0609fa.jpg
Platanthera Grandiflora v. alba in Bud tb0609fa.jpg
Spring Stream and Trees on Day Run tb0309ahr.jpg
Spring Stream and Trees on Day Run tb0309ahr.jpg
Camp 29 Blue Sky Stream Scene v tb0309adr.jpg
Camp 29 Blue Sky Stream Scene v tb0309adr.jpg
Dogwood Doggy Permanent Pose tb0309acr.jpg
Dogwood Doggy Permanent Pose tb0309acr.jpg
Monster Birch Tree Fronting Bright Blue Sky tb0509mer.jpg
Monster Birch Tree Fronting Bright Blue Sky tb0509mer.jpg
Mourning Cloak Butterfly in Sunny Woods tb0309txr.jpg
Mourning Cloak Butterfly in Sunny Woods tb0309txr.jpg
Wood and Stones in Sunny Scene tb0309air.jpg
Wood and Stones in Sunny Scene tb0309air.jpg
Mossy Log and Stones in Stream Swifts tb0309afr.jpg
Mossy Log and Stones in Stream Swifts tb0309afr.jpg
Swifts Running thru Mossy Stones v tb0309aar.jpg
Swifts Running thru Mossy Stones v tb0309aar.jpg
Day Run Swifts thru Arching Woods tb0309alr.jpg
Day Run Swifts thru Arching Woods tb0309alr.jpg
Sunny Beech with Facial Expression v tb0309vr.jpg
Sunny Beech with Facial Expression v tb0309vr.jpg
Mourning Cloak Butterfly Sunny Pofile tb0309sr.jpg
Mourning Cloak Butterfly Sunny Pofile tb0309sr.jpg
Lil Red Barn with Shadows Blue Skies tb0309apr.jpg
Lil Red Barn with Shadows Blue Skies tb0309apr.jpg
Showy Orchis Sunny Buds v tb0608r.jpg
Showy Orchis Sunny Buds v tb0608r.jpg
Sandstone Forest on Black Mountain tb0309akr.jpg
Sandstone Forest on Black Mountain tb0309akr.jpg
Smooth Rocks and Rapids Day Run tb0309bdr.jpg
Smooth Rocks and Rapids Day Run tb0309bdr.jpg
Blue Violets in Sunny Field  tb0608.jpg
Blue Violets in Sunny Field tb0608.jpg
Clear Day Run Stream and Sky Scene tb0309bbr.jpg
Clear Day Run Stream and Sky Scene tb0309bbr.jpg
Marsh Marigolds in Spring Splendor tb0608r.jpg
Marsh Marigolds in Spring Splendor tb0608r.jpg
Lil Swifts Sunny Camp 29 Stream tb0309agr.jpg
Lil Swifts Sunny Camp 29 Stream tb0309agr.jpg
Black Swallowtail Browsing on Dandelion tb0509cr.jpg
Black Swallowtail Browsing on Dandelion tb0509cr.jpg
Spring Greenbrier Valley Farm Scene tb0509ar.jpg
Spring Greenbrier Valley Farm Scene tb0509ar.jpg
Platanthera Orbiculata Orchid  in Bloom v tb0609ar.jpg
Platanthera Orbiculata Orchid in Bloom v tb0609ar.jpg
Indian Pipes Fungi Cluster tb0609cr.jpg
Indian Pipes Fungi Cluster tb0609cr.jpg
Maple Sprouting in Spring Woods tb0309arr.jpg
Maple Sprouting in Spring Woods tb0309arr.jpg
Dutchmans Breeches Bunch cr tb0608dr.jpg
Dutchmans Breeches Bunch cr tb0608dr.jpg
Orange Spotted Newt on Stone tb0309bfr.jpg
Orange Spotted Newt on Stone tb0309bfr.jpg
Cranberry Headwaters Bright Mtns and Clouds tb0509dcr.jpg
Cranberry Headwaters Bright Mtns and Clouds tb0509dcr.jpg
Beech Leaf in Sparkling Spring Water tb0309xr.jpg
Beech Leaf in Sparkling Spring Water tb0309xr.jpg
Aplectrum Orchid Blooms Close up tb0609do.jpg
Aplectrum Orchid Blooms Close up tb0609do.jpg
Old Apple Orchard in Wilderness Area tb0509dmr.jpg
Old Apple Orchard in Wilderness Area tb0509dmr.jpg
Trout Lily in Mild Spring Rain tb0309ber.jpg
Trout Lily in Mild Spring Rain tb0309ber.jpg
Old Water Pump Silhouette Backlit by Clouds tb0509dar.jpg
Old Water Pump Silhouette Backlit by Clouds tb0509dar.jpg
Arched Bridge Cow Pasture Trail tb0509dcr.jpg
Arched Bridge Cow Pasture Trail tb0509dcr.jpg
Bunch of Bluettes by Maple Leaves tb0509djr.jpg
Bunch of Bluettes by Maple Leaves tb0509djr.jpg
Lil Barranshe Swiftwater Spring Scene tb0509dlr.jpg
Lil Barranshe Swiftwater Spring Scene tb0509dlr.jpg
Pad Leaf Orchid in Early Spring Rain tb0409er.jpg
Pad Leaf Orchid in Early Spring Rain tb0409er.jpg
Big Rocks and Swifts Spring River Scene tb0409cr.jpg
Big Rocks and Swifts Spring River Scene tb0409cr.jpg
Greenbrier Farm Meadows in Spring tb0409nr.jpg
Greenbrier Farm Meadows in Spring tb0409nr.jpg
Cranberry Glades Spring Stream Reflection tb0509dkr.jpg
Cranberry Glades Spring Stream Reflection tb0509dkr.jpg
New Seasons Bell Flowers Bursting Out tb0409lr.jpg
New Seasons Bell Flowers Bursting Out tb0409lr.jpg
Desert Branch Swiftwater Spring Scene tb0409jr.jpg
Desert Branch Swiftwater Spring Scene tb0409jr.jpg
Green Frog Popping Head out of Pond tb0409sr.jpg
Green Frog Popping Head out of Pond tb0409sr.jpg
Desert Branch Arch Bridge tb0409fr.jpg
Desert Branch Arch Bridge tb0409fr.jpg
White Clintonia Blooming Spring Woods  tb0509dpr.jpg
White Clintonia Blooming Spring Woods tb0509dpr.jpg
Lower Desert Branch Mixed Swifts Scene tb0409kr.jpg
Lower Desert Branch Mixed Swifts Scene tb0409kr.jpg
Beautiful Locust Blooms on Blue Sky tb0409Rr.jpg
Beautiful Locust Blooms on Blue Sky tb0409Rr.jpg
Snail Browsing about Wet Woods tb0409pr.jpg
Snail Browsing about Wet Woods tb0409pr.jpg
Greenbrier Valley Spring Budding to Life tb0409mr.jpg
Greenbrier Valley Spring Budding to Life tb0409mr.jpg
Bunch of Showy Orchis Blooms tb0409ur.jpg
Bunch of Showy Orchis Blooms tb0409ur.jpg
Lil Barranshe Creek Spring Waterfalls Scene tb0509ddr.jpg
Lil Barranshe Creek Spring Waterfalls Scene tb0509ddr.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail on Maple Bloom tb0609aa.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail on Maple Bloom tb0609aa.jpg
Waterfalls Mid Desert Branch Stream tb0409yr.jpg
Waterfalls Mid Desert Branch Stream tb0409yr.jpg
Apple Trees Blooming in Spring Splendor  tb0409ad.jpg
Apple Trees Blooming in Spring Splendor tb0409ad.jpg
Orange Salamander Tween Mushrooms tb0409qr.jpg
Orange Salamander Tween Mushrooms tb0409qr.jpg
Cranberry River Backlit Spring Colors tb0409br.jpg
Cranberry River Backlit Spring Colors tb0409br.jpg
Swiftwater thru Desert Branch Stream tb0409wr.jpg
Swiftwater thru Desert Branch Stream tb0409wr.jpg
Green Water Blue Sky at Day Run tb0309ajr.jpg
Green Water Blue Sky at Day Run tb0309ajr.jpg
Sunny Day Run Water Woods Scene tb0409tr.jpg
Sunny Day Run Water Woods Scene tb0409tr.jpg
Pipevine Swallowtail on Wild Rose Vine tb0609ag.jpg
Pipevine Swallowtail on Wild Rose Vine tb0609ag.jpg
Baranshe Spring Downstream Swifts tb0409afr.jpg
Baranshe Spring Downstream Swifts tb0409afr.jpg
Apple Tree Blooming on Spring Colors tb0409air.jpg
Apple Tree Blooming on Spring Colors tb0409air.jpg
Lower Desert Branch Swifts and Stones tb0409gr.jpg
Lower Desert Branch Swifts and Stones tb0409gr.jpg
Big Barranshe Curving Downstream Scene tb0409akr.jpg
Big Barranshe Curving Downstream Scene tb0409akr.jpg
Williamsburg WV Methodist Church Nice Sky 2a tb0608r.jpg
Williamsburg WV Methodist Church Nice Sky 2a tb0608r.jpg
Woodland Green Frog Sun Bathing tb0409amr.jpg
Woodland Green Frog Sun Bathing tb0409amr.jpg
Jack in the Pulpit in Mature Woods tb0509br.jpg
Jack in the Pulpit in Mature Woods tb0509br.jpg
Woods and Water Desert Branch Scene tb0409xr.jpg
Woods and Water Desert Branch Scene tb0409xr.jpg
Beech Sprout First Time Tree  tb0409rr.jpg
Beech Sprout First Time Tree tb0409rr.jpg
Cranberry River Sunny Spring Foliage tb0409arr.jpg
Cranberry River Sunny Spring Foliage tb0409arr.jpg
Showy Orchis Aglow with Sunny Buds tb0509dgr.jpg
Showy Orchis Aglow with Sunny Buds tb0509dgr.jpg
Fog Creeping Through Dark Woods tb0409arr.jpg
Fog Creeping Through Dark Woods tb0409arr.jpg
Desert Branch Stretch of Swifts tb0409apr.jpg
Desert Branch Stretch of Swifts tb0409apr.jpg
Butterfly Caterpillar after Lunch tb0409ncr.jpg
Butterfly Caterpillar after Lunch tb0409ncr.jpg
Three Yellow Violets in Spring Forest tb0409abr.jpg
Three Yellow Violets in Spring Forest tb0409abr.jpg
Williams River Valley Misty Eve tb0609air.jpg
Williams River Valley Misty Eve tb0609air.jpg
Dandelion with Black Ants Browsing tb0409acrr.jpg
Dandelion with Black Ants Browsing tb0409acrr.jpg
Platanthera Grandiflora Large Purple Orchid  tb0609acrrv.jpg
Platanthera Grandiflora Large Purple Orchid tb0609acrrv.jpg
Day Run Shadowy Green Water tb0309aor.jpg
Day Run Shadowy Green Water tb0309aor.jpg
Lil Grandiflora with Raindrops cr tb0609ahr.jpg
Lil Grandiflora with Raindrops cr tb0609ahr.jpg
New River Gorge under Sunny Pines tb0309dgr.jpg
New River Gorge under Sunny Pines tb0309dgr.jpg
Locust Creek Covered Bridge tb0409awr.jpg
Locust Creek Covered Bridge tb0409awr.jpg
Desert Branch Split Swiftwater Scene tb0409ir.jpg
Desert Branch Split Swiftwater Scene tb0409ir.jpg
Day Run Trib Stream with Spring Greenery tb0409atr.jpg
Day Run Trib Stream with Spring Greenery tb0409atr.jpg
Millpoint Farm Pond and Mtns Scene tb0409yr.jpg
Millpoint Farm Pond and Mtns Scene tb0409yr.jpg
Ladys Slipper in Afternoon Sun tb0409bcr.jpg
Ladys Slipper in Afternoon Sun tb0409bcr.jpg
Dragonfly Posing with Spring Green Background tb0409bar.jpg
Dragonfly Posing with Spring Green Background tb0409bar.jpg
Mourning Cloak on Rock Profile tb0309yr.jpg
Mourning Cloak on Rock Profile tb0309yr.jpg
Baranshe Run Twisting Swifts tb0409aer.jpg
Baranshe Run Twisting Swifts tb0409aer.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail Open Winged on Maple tb0409alr.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail Open Winged on Maple tb0409alr.jpg
East New River View Nice Skies tb0309aor.jpg
East New River View Nice Skies tb0309aor.jpg
Showy Orchis Pair of Candid Blooms tb0409bgr.jpg
Showy Orchis Pair of Candid Blooms tb0409bgr.jpg
Cranberry River Sunny Rocks and Swifts tb0409bjr.jpg
Cranberry River Sunny Rocks and Swifts tb0409bjr.jpg
Brushy Fork Trail Water Scene tb0409bkr.jpg
Brushy Fork Trail Water Scene tb0409bkr.jpg
Cow Pasture Trail Spring Greenery tb0409bmr.jpg
Cow Pasture Trail Spring Greenery tb0409bmr.jpg
Green Blooms on Wet Mossy Tree tb0409cbr.jpg
Green Blooms on Wet Mossy Tree tb0409cbr.jpg
Hills Creek Mid Stream Scene tb0409ccr.jpg
Hills Creek Mid Stream Scene tb0409ccr.jpg
Wood Anemone Budding in Spring Mtns tb0409car.jpg
Wood Anemone Budding in Spring Mtns tb0409car.jpg
Second Falls Hills Creek Nice Water Scene tb0409cdr.jpg
Second Falls Hills Creek Nice Water Scene tb0409cdr.jpg
Big Barranshe Creek Spring above Bridge tb0409aor.jpg
Big Barranshe Creek Spring above Bridge tb0409aor.jpg
Showy Orchis in Early May Bud tb0409agr.jpg
Showy Orchis in Early May Bud tb0409agr.jpg
Cranberry River Long View Spring Scene tb0409clr.jpg
Cranberry River Long View Spring Scene tb0409clr.jpg
Apple Tree Blooming and Spring Colors tb0409cmr.jpg
Apple Tree Blooming and Spring Colors tb0409cmr.jpg
Hills Creek Second Falls and Stream tb0409cfr.jpg
Hills Creek Second Falls and Stream tb0409cfr.jpg
Rural Log Church Nice Sky 1b tb0608r.jpg
Rural Log Church Nice Sky 1b tb0608r.jpg
Spring Beauties Living up to Their Name tb0409dqr.jpg
Spring Beauties Living up to Their Name tb0409dqr.jpg
Black Swallowtail Browsing Sunlit Dandelion tb0409dbr.jpg
Black Swallowtail Browsing Sunlit Dandelion tb0409dbr.jpg
Marsh Marigolds In Freshwater Bog tb0409dar.jpg
Marsh Marigolds In Freshwater Bog tb0409dar.jpg
Rustic Church Parsonage in Spring tb0509cc.jpg
Rustic Church Parsonage in Spring tb0509cc.jpg
Wake Robin Blooming by Beech Tree tb0609cd.jpg
Wake Robin Blooming by Beech Tree tb0609cd.jpg
Desert Branch Upper Stream Swifts and Woods tb0409dd.jpg
Desert Branch Upper Stream Swifts and Woods tb0409dd.jpg
North View Sunny Skies New River Valley tb0309abr.jpg
North View Sunny Skies New River Valley tb0309abr.jpg
Pitcher Plants Blooming out Loud tb0409djr.jpg
Pitcher Plants Blooming out Loud tb0409djr.jpg
Calopogon Orchids Blooming in Bog Area tb0409dhr.jpg
Calopogon Orchids Blooming in Bog Area tb0409dhr.jpg
Listera Smallii Orchid with Raindrops v tb0609alr.jpg
Listera Smallii Orchid with Raindrops v tb0609alr.jpg
Spring Swiftwater Desert Branch Scene tb0409dhr.jpg
Spring Swiftwater Desert Branch Scene tb0409dhr.jpg
Red Barn Reflection Edray Rd  tb0609ahr.jpg
Red Barn Reflection Edray Rd tb0609ahr.jpg
Jewelweed Sprouts with Raindrops tb0409dlr.jpg
Jewelweed Sprouts with Raindrops tb0409dlr.jpg
Colts Foot Morning Wet Bloom and Leaf tb0409dnr.jpg
Colts Foot Morning Wet Bloom and Leaf tb0409dnr.jpg
Lil Waterfalls Shining in Sugar Creek tb0409dpr.jpg
Lil Waterfalls Shining in Sugar Creek tb0409dpr.jpg
Yellow Violets in Rainy Spring Woods tb0409aar.jpg
Yellow Violets in Rainy Spring Woods tb0409aar.jpg
Spring Williams River with Nice Sky tb0409dmr.jpg
Spring Williams River with Nice Sky tb0409dmr.jpg
Creeping Snowberry Vine in Spring Woods tb0409dsr.jpg
Creeping Snowberry Vine in Spring Woods tb0409dsr.jpg
Shady River with Tree and Large Stones tb0409drr.jpg
Shady River with Tree and Large Stones tb0409drr.jpg
Fresh Ramps in Spring Splendor tb0409dur.jpg
Fresh Ramps in Spring Splendor tb0409dur.jpg
Riverside View Spring Williams Scene tb0409dwr.jpg
Riverside View Spring Williams Scene tb0409dwr.jpg
Sunlit Forest by Rocky Williams River tb0409fbr.jpg
Sunlit Forest by Rocky Williams River tb0409fbr.jpg
Still Green Water Down River Scene tb0409fcr.jpg
Still Green Water Down River Scene tb0409fcr.jpg
Willows Budding and Blooming Anew tb0409dtr.jpg
Willows Budding and Blooming Anew tb0409dtr.jpg
River Swifts Curve thru Spring Woods tb0409far.jpg
River Swifts Curve thru Spring Woods tb0409far.jpg
Rocky Divide in Spring Forest tb0509ahr.jpg
Rocky Divide in Spring Forest tb0509ahr.jpg
Waterfalls over Log Sugar Creek Scene tb0409fgr.jpg
Waterfalls over Log Sugar Creek Scene tb0409fgr.jpg
Upper Williams Puddle Rock in Still Water tb0409dor.jpg
Upper Williams Puddle Rock in Still Water tb0409dor.jpg
Pool of Aerated Bubbles in Swiftwater tb0409fhr.jpg
Pool of Aerated Bubbles in Swiftwater tb0409fhr.jpg
Rocky Williams River Swifts and Stones tb0409ddr.jpg
Rocky Williams River Swifts and Stones tb0409ddr.jpg
Hibernal Leaves Aplectrum Orchid Springtime tb0409for.jpg
Hibernal Leaves Aplectrum Orchid Springtime tb0409for.jpg
Stony River Front in Spring Hills Scene tb0409fjr.jpg
Stony River Front in Spring Hills Scene tb0409fjr.jpg
Split Waterfalls Big Rocks Stream Scene tb0409fqr.jpg
Split Waterfalls Big Rocks Stream Scene tb0409fqr.jpg
Log Waterfalls in Backlit Forest Scene tb0409fmr.jpg
Log Waterfalls in Backlit Forest Scene tb0409fmr.jpg
Listera Cordata in Monongahela Natl Forest tb0409fsrv.jpg
Listera Cordata in Monongahela Natl Forest tb0409fsrv.jpg
Beech and Maple Foggy Spring Woods tb0409gcr.jpg
Beech and Maple Foggy Spring Woods tb0409gcr.jpg
Sandstone Forest Wood Ground Pine Scene tb0409cgr.jpg
Sandstone Forest Wood Ground Pine Scene tb0409cgr.jpg
Goodyera Orchid Rosettes in Woods tb0409gbr.jpg
Goodyera Orchid Rosettes in Woods tb0409gbr.jpg
Spring Beauties Decorating Forest Floor tb0409frr.jpg
Spring Beauties Decorating Forest Floor tb0409frr.jpg
Stony Spring River Low Profile Scene tb0409fdr.jpg
Stony Spring River Low Profile Scene tb0409fdr.jpg
Ladys Slipper Budding in Rain tb0409gfr.jpg
Ladys Slipper Budding in Rain tb0409gfr.jpg
Headwaters Cherry River Spring Forest Scene tb0409fdr.jpg
Headwaters Cherry River Spring Forest Scene tb0409fdr.jpg
Frasers Sedge Spring Blooms tb0409fcr.jpg
Frasers Sedge Spring Blooms tb0409fcr.jpg
Williams River Ripples and Nice Clouds tb0409fhr.jpg
Williams River Ripples and Nice Clouds tb0409fhr.jpg
Flame Azalea Blooms with Raindrops tb0409gdr.jpg
Flame Azalea Blooms with Raindrops tb0409gdr.jpg
Big Horseshoe Spring Stream Scene tb0409fnr.jpg
Big Horseshoe Spring Stream Scene tb0409fnr.jpg
Sunny Hills Creek Green Backwater Scene tb0409fmr.jpg
Sunny Hills Creek Green Backwater Scene tb0409fmr.jpg
Beaver Dam Upper Hills Creek Spring Hues tb0409flr.jpg
Beaver Dam Upper Hills Creek Spring Hues tb0409flr.jpg
Trout Lillies Blooming in Spring Woods tb0409fer.jpg
Trout Lillies Blooming in Spring Woods tb0409fer.jpg
Beavers Picnic under Black Cherry Tree tb0409hdr.jpg
Beavers Picnic under Black Cherry Tree tb0409hdr.jpg
Upper North Fork Blue Sky Scene tb0409ffr.jpg
Upper North Fork Blue Sky Scene tb0409ffr.jpg
North Cherry Sprouting Spring Woodlands tb0409fkr.jpg
North Cherry Sprouting Spring Woodlands tb0409fkr.jpg
Red Tulips Sunlit Blooms tb0409fbr.jpg
Red Tulips Sunlit Blooms tb0409fbr.jpg
Backwaters Hills Creek Stream Scene tb0409hcr.jpg
Backwaters Hills Creek Stream Scene tb0409hcr.jpg
Hills Creek Shallows Blue Sky Day tb0409har.jpg
Hills Creek Shallows Blue Sky Day tb0409har.jpg
Swiftwater thru Beaver Dam Stream Scene tb0409hbr.jpg
Swiftwater thru Beaver Dam Stream Scene tb0409hbr.jpg
White Sandstones on Black Mountain tb0409hjr.jpg
White Sandstones on Black Mountain tb0409hjr.jpg
Morels in Moss Greenbrier Valley tb0509lr.jpg
Morels in Moss Greenbrier Valley tb0509lr.jpg
Lil Swiftwater in Mossy Creek v tb0309abr.jpg
Lil Swiftwater in Mossy Creek v tb0309abr.jpg
Service Tree Blooming in Glades tb0509akr.jpg
Service Tree Blooming in Glades tb0509akr.jpg
Trout Lillies Blooming in Spring Sun tb0409fir.jpg
Trout Lillies Blooming in Spring Sun tb0409fir.jpg
Hills Creek Spring Headwaters Scene tb0409hfr.jpg
Hills Creek Spring Headwaters Scene tb0409hfr.jpg
Greenbrier Valley Spring Farm Scene tb0509adr.jpg
Greenbrier Valley Spring Farm Scene tb0509adr.jpg
White Violet and Bud Leafing Out tb0509nr.jpg
White Violet and Bud Leafing Out tb0509nr.jpg
Whitetail Deer Nature Profile tb0509or.jpg
Whitetail Deer Nature Profile tb0509or.jpg
Pale Beech Sprout in Spring Woods tb0509rr.jpg
Pale Beech Sprout in Spring Woods tb0509rr.jpg
White Trilliums in Spring Sunshine tb0509mr.jpg
White Trilliums in Spring Sunshine tb0509mr.jpg
Chesnut Ridge View of Rural Valley tb0509xr.jpg
Chesnut Ridge View of Rural Valley tb0509xr.jpg
Whitetails on Shadowy Ridge tb0509pr.jpg
Whitetails on Shadowy Ridge tb0509pr.jpg
Phlox Bloom with Bunch of Buds tb0509wr.jpg
Phlox Bloom with Bunch of Buds tb0509wr.jpg
Squirrel Corn in National Forest tb0509akr.jpg
Squirrel Corn in National Forest tb0509akr.jpg
Garter Snake under Leaf Cover tb0509br.jpg
Garter Snake under Leaf Cover tb0509br.jpg
Mitrewort Flowering on Mossy Rock Ledge tb0509vr.jpg
Mitrewort Flowering on Mossy Rock Ledge tb0509vr.jpg
Garter Snake Forked Tongue Scene tb0509cr.jpg
Garter Snake Forked Tongue Scene tb0509cr.jpg
Late Eve Spring Mountain Ridge View tb0509yr.jpg
Late Eve Spring Mountain Ridge View tb0509yr.jpg
Blood Root Leaf and Bloom in Mild Sun tb0509air.jpg
Blood Root Leaf and Bloom in Mild Sun tb0509air.jpg
Morel Mushroom Emerging Elegantly tb0509agr.jpg
Morel Mushroom Emerging Elegantly tb0509agr.jpg
Listera Cordata Early Spring Bloom tb0509ajr.jpg
Listera Cordata Early Spring Bloom tb0509ajr.jpg
Red Trillium Blooming in Rainy Woods tb0509acr.jpg
Red Trillium Blooming in Rainy Woods tb0509acr.jpg
Marsh Marigold Blooms in Glades tb0509abr.jpg
Marsh Marigold Blooms in Glades tb0509abr.jpg
Calopogon Orchid Two Blooms  tb0609afr.jpg
Calopogon Orchid Two Blooms tb0609afr.jpg
Purple Violets in Light Rain tb0509bpr.jpg
Purple Violets in Light Rain tb0509bpr.jpg
Small Waterfall Big Laurel Stream Scene tb0509bmr.jpg
Small Waterfall Big Laurel Stream Scene tb0509bmr.jpg
Trio of Pale Pink Trilliums in Light Rain tb0509xnr.jpg
Trio of Pale Pink Trilliums in Light Rain tb0509xnr.jpg
Yellow Wood Betony Multiple Blooms tb0509apr.jpg
Yellow Wood Betony Multiple Blooms tb0509apr.jpg
Lil Waterfall in Big Laurel Stream tb0509bor.jpg
Lil Waterfall in Big Laurel Stream tb0509bor.jpg
Orange Salamander on Mossy Stone tb0509brr.jpg
Orange Salamander on Mossy Stone tb0509brr.jpg
Eureka Church by Large Cherry Tree tb0509bqr.jpg
Eureka Church by Large Cherry Tree tb0509bqr.jpg
Aplectrum Orchid New Blooming Season tb0509tmr.jpg
Aplectrum Orchid New Blooming Season tb0509tmr.jpg
Desert Branch May Small Falls Scene tb0509dcr.jpg
Desert Branch May Small Falls Scene tb0509dcr.jpg
Bridge Across Desert Run Stream tb0509akr.jpg
Bridge Across Desert Run Stream tb0509akr.jpg
Birch Tree in Mature Forest Scene tb0509ajr.jpg
Birch Tree in Mature Forest Scene tb0509ajr.jpg
Yellow Violets cast Shadows on Leaves tb0509dkr.jpg
Yellow Violets cast Shadows on Leaves tb0509dkr.jpg
Upper Desert Run Twisting Swifts tb0509dfr.jpg
Upper Desert Run Twisting Swifts tb0509dfr.jpg
Painted Trillium in Rainy Woods tb0509dlr.jpg
Painted Trillium in Rainy Woods tb0509dlr.jpg
Beaver Dam Reflection May Storm Clouds tb0509dir.jpg
Beaver Dam Reflection May Storm Clouds tb0509dir.jpg
Rhodadendron by Desert Branch tb0509dmr.jpg
Rhodadendron by Desert Branch tb0509dmr.jpg
Shallows Twisting thru Beaver Dam Scene tb0509nr.jpg
Shallows Twisting thru Beaver Dam Scene tb0509nr.jpg
Mallard Mates Late Evening Cruise tb0509dor.jpg
Mallard Mates Late Evening Cruise tb0509dor.jpg
Second Bridge Desert Trail Scene tb0509dpr.jpg
Second Bridge Desert Trail Scene tb0509dpr.jpg
Desert Branch May Swiftwater Scene tb0509dbr.jpg
Desert Branch May Swiftwater Scene tb0509dbr.jpg
Ladys Slipper Orchid in Brand New Bud tb0509far.jpg
Ladys Slipper Orchid in Brand New Bud tb0509far.jpg
Showy Orchis in Early Bud tb0509fbr.jpg
Showy Orchis in Early Bud tb0509fbr.jpg
Eureka Church in Rural Mountains tb0509bsr.jpg
Eureka Church in Rural Mountains tb0509bsr.jpg
Wood Betony with Yellow Blooms tb0509btr.jpg
Wood Betony with Yellow Blooms tb0509btr.jpg
Day Run Blue Green Water Scene tb0409hhr.jpg
Day Run Blue Green Water Scene tb0409hhr.jpg
Pair White Violets in Sunny Woods tb0509sr.jpg
Pair White Violets in Sunny Woods tb0509sr.jpg
Farm Strutcure and Equipment Greenbrier  tb0509fir.jpg
Farm Strutcure and Equipment Greenbrier tb0509fir.jpg
Single Isotria Verticillata Orchid Ready to Bloom tb0509ger.jpg
Single Isotria Verticillata Orchid Ready to Bloom tb0509ger.jpg
Pale Trilliums in Spring Woods tb0509qr.jpg
Pale Trilliums in Spring Woods tb0509qr.jpg
Beaver Art and Eventual Dinner  tb0509fgr.jpg
Beaver Art and Eventual Dinner tb0509fgr.jpg
Baranshe Spring Swiftwater Scene tb0509ggr.jpg
Baranshe Spring Swiftwater Scene tb0509ggr.jpg
Isotria Verticillata May Orchid Blooming tb0509gar.jpg
Isotria Verticillata May Orchid Blooming tb0509gar.jpg
Friars Hill Church US Flag 4a cr tb0608r.jpg
Friars Hill Church US Flag 4a cr tb0608r.jpg
Pale Trillium in Early Bloom Stage tb0509har.jpg
Pale Trillium in Early Bloom Stage tb0509har.jpg
Pink Azalea Buds and Blooms tb0509hdr.jpg
Pink Azalea Buds and Blooms tb0509hdr.jpg
Woodland Terrapin Moving in May tb0509hbr.jpg
Woodland Terrapin Moving in May tb0509hbr.jpg
Solomon's Seal Yellow Flowers in Spring tb0509hfr.jpg
Solomon's Seal Yellow Flowers in Spring tb0509hfr.jpg
Desert Branch Beaver Pond Rainy Day tb0509dqr.jpg
Desert Branch Beaver Pond Rainy Day tb0509dqr.jpg
Twin Pink Azaleas Budding Out tb0509knr.jpg
Twin Pink Azaleas Budding Out tb0509knr.jpg
Isotria Verticillata in Spring Form tb0509hrl.jpg
Isotria Verticillata in Spring Form tb0509hrl.jpg
Terrapin Emerging from Spring Woods tb0509hgr.jpg
Terrapin Emerging from Spring Woods tb0509hgr.jpg
Lily Budding in Light Rain tb0509blr.jpg
Lily Budding in Light Rain tb0509blr.jpg
Listera Cordata Ochids in Woods tb0509fcr.jpg
Listera Cordata Ochids in Woods tb0509fcr.jpg
Lower Barranshe Run White Water tb0509fdr.jpg
Lower Barranshe Run White Water tb0509fdr.jpg
White Barn and Tree near Bartow tb0509jar.jpg
White Barn and Tree near Bartow tb0509jar.jpg
Merging Streams in Ellerber Creek Spring Run-Off tb0509jdr.jpg
Merging Streams in Ellerber Creek Spring Run-Off tb0509jdr.jpg
Long Bracted Green Orchid Early Bloom tb0509jkr.jpg
Long Bracted Green Orchid Early Bloom tb0509jkr.jpg
Soft Fungi Gelatin on Limb tb0509klr.jpg
Soft Fungi Gelatin on Limb tb0509klr.jpg
Sandstone Rock Face Impressions tb0509krr.jpg
Sandstone Rock Face Impressions tb0509krr.jpg
Still Water and River Woods Backlit Scene tb0509kur.jpg
Still Water and River Woods Backlit Scene tb0509kur.jpg
Beech Sprouting with Old Nut Hull tb0509alr.jpg
Beech Sprouting with Old Nut Hull tb0509alr.jpg
Rootwall in North Fork Backlit Scene tb0509kqr.jpg
Rootwall in North Fork Backlit Scene tb0509kqr.jpg
North Cherry River Woods and Water Scene tb0509ktr.jpg
North Cherry River Woods and Water Scene tb0509ktr.jpg
Random Color Forms in River Rock tb0509ksr.jpg
Random Color Forms in River Rock tb0509ksr.jpg
Pink Lady Flower Bulb Close-up tb0509kwr.jpg
Pink Lady Flower Bulb Close-up tb0509kwr.jpg
North Fork Spring Swiftwater thru Trees tb0509kor.jpg
North Fork Spring Swiftwater thru Trees tb0509kor.jpg
Windy Run Spring Whitewater Scene tb0509kpr.jpg
Windy Run Spring Whitewater Scene tb0509kpr.jpg
North Cherry Late Eve Stream Scene tb0509mbr.jpg
North Cherry Late Eve Stream Scene tb0509mbr.jpg
Camp 29 Run Waterfalls Scene tb0309amr.jpg
Camp 29 Run Waterfalls Scene tb0309amr.jpg
Pitted Sandstone in River Basin tb0509mcr.jpg
Pitted Sandstone in River Basin tb0509mcr.jpg
New Beech Tree Redish Green Leaves tb0509mlr.jpg
New Beech Tree Redish Green Leaves tb0509mlr.jpg
Showy Orchis Multi Bloom in Mild Sun tb0509mor.jpg
Showy Orchis Multi Bloom in Mild Sun tb0509mor.jpg
Elleber Run Converging Streams tb0509kmr.jpg
Elleber Run Converging Streams tb0509kmr.jpg
Flowering Logs in Freshwater Bog tb0509dhr.jpg
Flowering Logs in Freshwater Bog tb0509dhr.jpg
Desert Run Rocky Falls Stream Scene tb0509dmr.jpg
Desert Run Rocky Falls Stream Scene tb0509dmr.jpg
Beaver Pond Spring in Desert Branch tb0509mqr.jpg
Beaver Pond Spring in Desert Branch tb0509mqr.jpg
Wooden Bridge Top Desert Branch tb0509mrr.jpg
Wooden Bridge Top Desert Branch tb0509mrr.jpg
Red Beech Leaves in Old Woods tb0509mpr.jpg
Red Beech Leaves in Old Woods tb0509mpr.jpg
Swiftwater in Desert Run under Log tb0509dgr.jpg
Swiftwater in Desert Run under Log tb0509dgr.jpg
Dwarf Ginseng in Mountain Woods tb0509nar.jpg
Dwarf Ginseng in Mountain Woods tb0509nar.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail Browsing on Azaleas tb0509pgr.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail Browsing on Azaleas tb0509pgr.jpg
Yellow Ladies Slippers in Sunlit Woods tb0509par.jpg
Yellow Ladies Slippers in Sunlit Woods tb0509par.jpg
Woodland Green Frog Chilling Out tb0509per.jpg
Woodland Green Frog Chilling Out tb0509per.jpg
Seasoned Wood with Character Flaws  tb0509ptr.jpg
Seasoned Wood with Character Flaws tb0509ptr.jpg
Pink Azalea Growing at Woods Edge tb0509hcr.jpg
Pink Azalea Growing at Woods Edge tb0509hcr.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail Flat Out in Sunny Field tb0509plr.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail Flat Out in Sunny Field tb0509plr.jpg
Showy Orchis Three Bloomer and Leaf tb0509mnr.jpg
Showy Orchis Three Bloomer and Leaf tb0509mnr.jpg
Long Bracted Green Orchid Early in Bud tb0509ncr.jpg
Long Bracted Green Orchid Early in Bud tb0509ncr.jpg
Swiftwater into Backlit Woods Scene tb0509mdr.jpg
Swiftwater into Backlit Woods Scene tb0509mdr.jpg
Single Yellow Lady Close-up Scene tb0509pdr.jpg
Single Yellow Lady Close-up Scene tb0509pdr.jpg
Mill Creek Falls Right Side View tb0509por.jpg
Mill Creek Falls Right Side View tb0509por.jpg
Marys Chapel Lil White Mtn Church tb0509ppr.jpg
Marys Chapel Lil White Mtn Church tb0509ppr.jpg
North Fork Swiftwater River Scene tb0509pur.jpg
North Fork Swiftwater River Scene tb0509pur.jpg
Red Covered Bridge Pocahontas Cnty WV tb0509prr.jpg
Red Covered Bridge Pocahontas Cnty WV tb0509prr.jpg
Woodland Green Frog Hiding Out tb0509phr.jpg
Woodland Green Frog Hiding Out tb0509phr.jpg
Barn and Big Tree near Cloudy Bartow tb0509nbr.jpg
Barn and Big Tree near Cloudy Bartow tb0509nbr.jpg
Wild Geranium Partly Sunlit in Woods tb0509ser.jpg
Wild Geranium Partly Sunlit in Woods tb0509ser.jpg
Pipevine Swallowtail in Pollinated Azalea tb0509scr.jpg
Pipevine Swallowtail in Pollinated Azalea tb0509scr.jpg
Jack in the Pulpit with Double Leaves tb0509sfr.jpg
Jack in the Pulpit with Double Leaves tb0509sfr.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail in Sunlit Forest tb0509sbr.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail in Sunlit Forest tb0509sbr.jpg
Brown Caterpillar Browsing Raspberry Leaves tb0509sgr.jpg
Brown Caterpillar Browsing Raspberry Leaves tb0509sgr.jpg
Down Stream View Mill Creek Swifts tb0509rcr.jpg
Down Stream View Mill Creek Swifts tb0509rcr.jpg
Point Mountain Church in the Light tb0509tar.jpg
Point Mountain Church in the Light tb0509tar.jpg
Road to Kumbrabow State Forest tb0509psr.jpg
Road to Kumbrabow State Forest tb0509psr.jpg
Flame Azalea in Blooming Orange tb0509pir.jpg
Flame Azalea in Blooming Orange tb0509pir.jpg
Big Birch Cloudy Sky Williams River tb0509ter.jpg
Big Birch Cloudy Sky Williams River tb0509ter.jpg
Woodland Green Frog Blending in Woods tb0509tir.jpg
Woodland Green Frog Blending in Woods tb0509tir.jpg
Lilifola Orchid New Budding Arrival tb0509tgr.jpg
Lilifola Orchid New Budding Arrival tb0509tgr.jpg
Beaver Cruising Hills Creek Pond tb0509tkr.jpg
Beaver Cruising Hills Creek Pond tb0509tkr.jpg
Mill Creek Falls Sunny Far Left Scene tb0509tcr.jpg
Mill Creek Falls Sunny Far Left Scene tb0509tcr.jpg
Golden Field by Woods Blue Sky tb0509tbr.jpg
Golden Field by Woods Blue Sky tb0509tbr.jpg
Patch of Yellow Ladies in Woods tb0509sar.jpg
Patch of Yellow Ladies in Woods tb0509sar.jpg
Lil Horseshoe New Foliage Scene tb0509tor.jpg
Lil Horseshoe New Foliage Scene tb0509tor.jpg
Double Trifidas in Late Bloom Phase tb0509tnr.jpg
Double Trifidas in Late Bloom Phase tb0509tnr.jpg
Black Mtn Cloudy Sky Road Scene tb0509ttr.jpg
Black Mtn Cloudy Sky Road Scene tb0509ttr.jpg
Double Blue Day Flowers in Field tb0509tur.jpg
Double Blue Day Flowers in Field tb0509tur.jpg
Hills Creek New Foliage Scene tb0509tpr.jpg
Hills Creek New Foliage Scene tb0509tpr.jpg
Reflections in Williams New Foliage Scene tb0509tsr.jpg
Reflections in Williams New Foliage Scene tb0509tsr.jpg
Lilifola Sprouting Leaves and Buds tb0509thr.jpg
Lilifola Sprouting Leaves and Buds tb0509thr.jpg
Wild Geraniums by Buckeye Trees tb0509tyr.jpg
Wild Geraniums by Buckeye Trees tb0509tyr.jpg
Fresh Foliage and River Reflection tb0509tzr.jpg
Fresh Foliage and River Reflection tb0509tzr.jpg
Black Mtn New Foliage Cloudy Blue Sky tb0509txr.jpg
Black Mtn New Foliage Cloudy Blue Sky tb0509txr.jpg
Aplectrum Blooming in Mtn Woods tb0509tjr.jpg
Aplectrum Blooming in Mtn Woods tb0509tjr.jpg
White Clintonia in Bloom and Bud tb0509uar.jpg
White Clintonia in Bloom and Bud tb0509uar.jpg
Black Mtn Eastern View thru New Foliage tb0509ubr.jpg
Black Mtn Eastern View thru New Foliage tb0509ubr.jpg
Nice Bunch of Day Flowers in Field tb0509udr.jpg
Nice Bunch of Day Flowers in Field tb0509udr.jpg
Hills Creek New Colors Cloudy Sky tb0509ucr.jpg
Hills Creek New Colors Cloudy Sky tb0509ucr.jpg
Mill Creek Falls Sunny Left View tb0509rbr.jpg
Mill Creek Falls Sunny Left View tb0509rbr.jpg
Wood Betony in Prime Bud Stage tb0509vfr.jpg
Wood Betony in Prime Bud Stage tb0509vfr.jpg
Spruce and Spring Foliage Scenic Highway tb0509tvr.jpg
Spruce and Spring Foliage Scenic Highway tb0509tvr.jpg
Woodland Green in South Mtn Woods tb0509uer.jpg
Woodland Green in South Mtn Woods tb0509uer.jpg
Northern Coralroot Blooming on Cranberry Mtn tb0509ufr.jpg
Northern Coralroot Blooming on Cranberry Mtn tb0509ufr.jpg
Brown and White Pitted River Stone tb0509vpr.jpg
Brown and White Pitted River Stone tb0509vpr.jpg
Spring Woodlands by Yellow Field and Blue Sky tb0509pqr.jpg
Spring Woodlands by Yellow Field and Blue Sky tb0509pqr.jpg
Pink Lady Offest from Leaves in Sun tb0509uir.jpg
Pink Lady Offest from Leaves in Sun tb0509uir.jpg
Twisting Swifts Long View Stream Scene tb0509ver.jpg
Twisting Swifts Long View Stream Scene tb0509ver.jpg
Rapids in North Cherry River tb0509vbr.jpg
Rapids in North Cherry River tb0509vbr.jpg
Red Maple Leaves Emerge over Stream tb0509ddr.jpg
Red Maple Leaves Emerge over Stream tb0509ddr.jpg
Pale Violet Showy Orchis Blooms and Lvs tb0509ukr.jpg
Pale Violet Showy Orchis Blooms and Lvs tb0509ukr.jpg
Liparis Lilifolia in Appalachian Mtns tb0509war.jpg
Liparis Lilifolia in Appalachian Mtns tb0509war.jpg
Backlit North Fork Cherry River Scene tb0509mkr.jpg
Backlit North Fork Cherry River Scene tb0509mkr.jpg
Yellow Swallowtail on Sunny Poplar Lvs tb0509whr.jpg
Yellow Swallowtail on Sunny Poplar Lvs tb0509whr.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail in Flame Azaleas tb0509pfr.jpg
Tiger Swallowtail in Flame Azaleas tb0509pfr.jpg
Brand New Rhodadendron in Sunny Woods tb0509uvr.jpg
Brand New Rhodadendron in Sunny Woods tb0509uvr.jpg
Dandelion Seed at Full Throttle tb0509wnb.jpg
Dandelion Seed at Full Throttle tb0509wnb.jpg
Loner Yellow Lady Gracing WV Woods tb0509wer.jpg
Loner Yellow Lady Gracing WV Woods tb0509wer.jpg
Upstream View North Fork Spring Scene tb0509wpr.jpg
Upstream View North Fork Spring Scene tb0509wpr.jpg
Redish Green Bunch of New Beech Lvs tb0509wkr.jpg
Redish Green Bunch of New Beech Lvs tb0509wkr.jpg
Green Veined Maple Leaf in WV Woods tb0109cr.jpg
Green Veined Maple Leaf in WV Woods tb0109cr.jpg
Raccoon Hiding in Tall Brush tb0609fr.jpg
Raccoon Hiding in Tall Brush tb0609fr.jpg
Downstream View Coats Run Area tb0509vmr.jpg
Downstream View Coats Run Area tb0509vmr.jpg
New Mushrooms up by Birch Log tb0609hr.jpg
New Mushrooms up by Birch Log tb0609hr.jpg
Lil Rocky Falls Kennison Mtn Base tb0109br.jpg
Lil Rocky Falls Kennison Mtn Base tb0109br.jpg
Cresta Crucifer Tree Frog in Briars tb0609qr.jpg
Cresta Crucifer Tree Frog in Briars tb0609qr.jpg
Mourning Cloak Wide Open Wings Tb0609nr.jpg
Mourning Cloak Wide Open Wings Tb0609nr.jpg
Lilifola Near Full Bloom in WV Mtns tb0609or.jpg
Lilifola Near Full Bloom in WV Mtns tb0609or.jpg
Nice Stream Flow at Low Water Bridge tb0609or.jpg
Nice Stream Flow at Low Water Bridge tb0609or.jpg
Sunny Wild Geraniums in WV Woods t0609aar.jpg
Sunny Wild Geraniums in WV Woods t0609aar.jpg
Greenbrier Valley near Hillsboro WV tb0609abr.jpg
Greenbrier Valley near Hillsboro WV tb0609abr.jpg
Ground Pine and Stick in Reindeer Lichen tb0609ahr.jpg
Ground Pine and Stick in Reindeer Lichen tb0609ahr.jpg
Skyward Cloudy View Maples and Spruce tb0609afr.jpg
Skyward Cloudy View Maples and Spruce tb0609afr.jpg
New Grandiflora in North Fork Country tb0601ar.jpg
New Grandiflora in North Fork Country tb0601ar.jpg
Raccoon Looking for Lunch tb0609pr.jpg
Raccoon Looking for Lunch tb0609pr.jpg
Cresta Crucifer Tree Frog in Thicket tb0609asr.jpg
Cresta Crucifer Tree Frog in Thicket tb0609asr.jpg
Close-up of Orbiculata Basil Leaves tb0609air.jpg
Close-up of Orbiculata Basil Leaves tb0609air.jpg
Spotted Newt on Rhodadendron Leaf tb0609gr.jpg
Spotted Newt on Rhodadendron Leaf tb0609gr.jpg
Lil Mossy Rocks in Small Stream tb0609atr.jpg
Lil Mossy Rocks in Small Stream tb0609atr.jpg
Williams River Valley New Seasons Colors tb0609awr.jpg
Williams River Valley New Seasons Colors tb0609awr.jpg
Nice Patch of Wild Geraniums Mtn Roadside tb0609adr.jpg
Nice Patch of Wild Geraniums Mtn Roadside tb0609adr.jpg
Maple Tree with New Seasons Foliage tb0609arr.jpg
Maple Tree with New Seasons Foliage tb0609arr.jpg
Double Pink Ladies in Spring Mtns tb0609bbr.jpg
Double Pink Ladies in Spring Mtns tb0609bbr.jpg
Leaning Hemlock in Kennison Woods tb0609dr.jpg
Leaning Hemlock in Kennison Woods tb0609dr.jpg
Grainy Red and Gray Sandstone tb0509vqr.jpg
Grainy Red and Gray Sandstone tb0509vqr.jpg
Mini Waterfall Lower Kennison Mtn tb0609bfr.jpg
Mini Waterfall Lower Kennison Mtn tb0609bfr.jpg
Stretch of Swifts at Low Water Bridge Scene tb0609blr.jpg
Stretch of Swifts at Low Water Bridge Scene tb0609blr.jpg
North Cherry Swifts Mossy Logs and Forest tb0509vdr.jpg
North Cherry Swifts Mossy Logs and Forest tb0509vdr.jpg
New Budding Grandiflora Cherry River Area tb0509vkr.jpg
New Budding Grandiflora Cherry River Area tb0509vkr.jpg
Twin Pink Ladies Embraced in Nature tb0609avr.jpg
Twin Pink Ladies Embraced in Nature tb0609avr.jpg
Nice Sky over Williams River Valley tb0609aer.jpg
Nice Sky over Williams River Valley tb0609aer.jpg
Pair of Yellow Ladies Slippers in Mtn Woods tb0509wbr.jpg
Pair of Yellow Ladies Slippers in Mtn Woods tb0509wbr.jpg
Swiftwater and Ferns Cranberry Woods tb0713kr.jpg
Swiftwater and Ferns Cranberry Woods tb0713kr.jpg
Mini Mushrooms in Mtn Woodlands tb0713nr.jpg
Mini Mushrooms in Mtn Woodlands tb0713nr.jpg
Shining Ladys Tress Orchid in Mtns tb0713irr.jpg
Shining Ladys Tress Orchid in Mtns tb0713irr.jpg
Raspberries in Prime Color tb0713or.jpg
Raspberries in Prime Color tb0713or.jpg
Four on the Floor Pale Pink Ladies tb0609agr.jpg
Four on the Floor Pale Pink Ladies tb0609agr.jpg
Fungi Shelves in Prime Color tb0609pfr.jpg
Fungi Shelves in Prime Color tb0609pfr.jpg
Nice P Grandiflora Double Header tb0713 pr.jpg
Nice P Grandiflora Double Header tb0713 pr.jpg
Cascading Water in Thomas Reserve Creek tb0713hrx.jpg
Cascading Water in Thomas Reserve Creek tb0713hrx.jpg
Indian Pipes in the Appalachians tb0713mr.jpg
Indian Pipes in the Appalachians tb0713mr.jpg
Skyward View thru Large Basswood Trees tb0721ar.jpg
Skyward View thru Large Basswood Trees tb0721ar.jpg
Loesels Twayblade Orchid on Scenic Highway tb0721br.jpg
Loesels Twayblade Orchid on Scenic Highway tb0721br.jpg