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Rich Thompson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rich Thompson - Wildlife Photography > A Trio of Tiger Cubs, India.
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28-FEB-2009 Rich Thompson

A Trio of Tiger Cubs, India.

Bandhavgarh National Park, India

We spent 14 days of our 2 months in India on safari searching for tigers. My first submission on my new wildlife page is a fairly rare occurance. Guides told us that this was the best sighting of cubs they had seen for 3 years. As their aggressive mother called the cubs to the bushes top left, the three cubs stopped in the open to check out our jeep.

I wish I had had a 600mm f4 mounted at this point, but even so, the heat waves would havce prevented a perfect close up portrait.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Esa Ervasti14-Feb-2010 10:05
Beautiful and rare shot indeed. Congrats!
Monique Trempe17-Sep-2009 22:18
Excellent portrait. Good shot!
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