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Richard Martin-Nielsen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Christmas 2011: Belgium (and a little bit of Holland) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Christmas 2011: Belgium (and a little bit of Holland)

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Quilt for Peder & Ilona's baby
Quilt for Peder & Ilona's baby
Maastricht! (The Netherlands)
Maastricht! (The Netherlands)
Maastricht University
Maastricht University
A church-come-bookstore in Maastricht
A church-come-bookstore in Maastricht
The Antwerp Cathedral
The Antwerp Cathedral
Antwerp's Christmas market
Antwerp's Christmas market
A chocolate shop in one of Napoleon's palaces!
A chocolate shop in one of Napoleon's palaces!
At home, ready for Christmas dinner
At home, ready for Christmas dinner
From this angle (and this angle only), the tree is mostly straight
From this angle (and this angle only), the tree is mostly straight
At home - realizing we haven't posted many photos of our new digs
At home - realizing we haven't posted many photos of our new digs
Facing the other direction - this is floor 2 of 4
Facing the other direction - this is floor 2 of 4
Church and citadel. Seriously.
Church and citadel. Seriously.
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