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Richard Martin-Nielsen | profile | all galleries >> Cameroon >> Northwest Province, early October 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Northwest Province, early October 2004

Bamenda. Ah, Bamenda.
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Hiking near Sabga...
Hiking near Sabga...
paths made for horses...
paths made for horses...
dropping cliffs...
dropping cliffs...
with a storm rolling in the distance...
with a storm rolling in the distance...
getting closer...
getting closer...
rocks hiding waterfalls...
rocks hiding waterfalls...
such as this one...
such as this one...
and log bridges over streams...
and log bridges over streams...
Richard balances...
Richard balances...
Janet on flatter ground...
Janet on flatter ground...
 view of Sabga from the top of the hills.
view of Sabga from the top of the hills.
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