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Ron Fredrick | profile | all galleries >> Birds By Location >> Rancho San Antonio tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Rancho San Antonio

This 165 acre County Park, combined with the adjacent 2,135 Midpeninsula Regional Open Space Preserve is located in the foothills below Skyline Ridge close to Interstate 280 and the cities of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and Cupertino.

Lazuli Bunting  (Passerina amoena)
Lazuli Bunting
(Passerina amoena)
Lazuli Bunting  (Passerina amoena)
Lazuli Bunting
(Passerina amoena)
Lazuli Bunting  (Passerina amoena)
Lazuli Bunting
(Passerina amoena)
Lazuli Bunting  (Passerina amoena)
Lazuli Bunting
(Passerina amoena)
Violet-green Swallow  (Tachycineta thalassina)
Violet-green Swallow
(Tachycineta thalassina)
Male Wild Turkey
Male Wild Turkey
Male Wild Turkey
Male Wild Turkey
Great Blue Heron with gopher kill
Great Blue Heron with gopher kill
Female Bushtit (Yellow Eye)
Female Bushtit (Yellow Eye)
Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus)
Spotted Towhee
(Pipilo maculatus)
California Thrasher  (Toxostoma redivivum)
California Thrasher
(Toxostoma redivivum)
White-crowned Sparrow  (Zonotrichia leucophrys)
White-crowned Sparrow
(Zonotrichia leucophrys)
Song Sparrow  (Melospiza melodia)
Song Sparrow
(Melospiza melodia)
Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus)
Spotted Towhee
(Pipilo maculatus)
Male California Quail
Male California Quail
Female California Quail
Female California Quail
California Thrasher  (Toxostoma redivivum)
California Thrasher
(Toxostoma redivivum)
Great Blue Heron grabs a lizard
Great Blue Heron grabs a lizard
Great Blue Heron grabs a lizard (Cropped)
Great Blue Heron grabs a lizard (Cropped)
California Towhee
California Towhee
Steller's Jay
Steller's Jay
Western Scrub-Jay
Western Scrub-Jay
Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Male American Kestrel
Male American Kestrel
Both owls are sound asleep..zzzZZZ
Both owls are sound asleep..zzzZZZ
Very sleepy, but trying to open eyes to see who's down there
Very sleepy, but trying to open eyes to see who's down there
Dang it's hard to keep those eyes open...
Dang it's hard to keep those eyes open...
Western Screech Owl
Western Screech Owl
Would you spot this guy in the tree as you walked by?
Would you spot this guy in the tree as you walked by?
Western Screech Owl
Western Screech Owl
Western Bluebird with nasty looking grub
Western Bluebird with nasty looking grub
Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker
Steller's Jay
Steller's Jay
Steller's Jay (crop)
Steller's Jay (crop)
California Towhee
California Towhee
California Towhee
California Towhee