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Ron Fredrick | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bay Area Bird Photographers Meeting - 10/06/10 > Hummingbird at a Red-tip Yucca flower (waiting for a bee to finish)
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07-JUL-2007 Ron Fredrick

Hummingbird at a Red-tip Yucca flower (waiting for a bee to finish)

Prescott, Arizona


other sizes: small medium original auto
robertoparmiggiani20-Jul-2011 06:28
Very nice V
Donutrun21-Mar-2009 22:54
Absolutely brilliant image!
Dave Hawkins19-Feb-2009 23:03
great shot
Leslie Cohelan18-Feb-2009 05:25
you are right...I do like this one...wonderful timing on your part and a great comp too and with a favorite lens...perfect dof to get them both sharp...thanks for directing me to this one...
Carol Rollins07-Jul-2008 13:37
ha ha! Excellent capture Ron. It looks like he is ready to poke that bee out of the way!
Super image. V
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