rene hoff | profile | all galleries >> My Travels in the world >> Surin Thailand Elephant Festival | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow |
Surin Festival History Local people are renowned for their ability to capture,
tame & train wild elephants from the forests of neighbouring country Cambodia.
However due to civil war in Cambodia these areas are inaccessible.
Due to this the elephants numbers are in decline in Cambodia as they require more help.
With a limited number of elephants in Surin locals are forced to train the elephants and
tour the country providing shows to make a living.
La région de Surin située à l'est de la Thaïlande borde le Cambodge et est parsemée
de ruines khmères datant des XI et XII siècle. A l'exception des ruines,
la seule attraction de la région est le rassemblement annuel des éléphants à Surin
qui attire de nombreux touristes pendant les festivités.