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Reimar Gaertner | all galleries >> Scotland >> Isle of Skye > Sun on Blackhill or Eas a' Bhradain waterfall on the Allt Coire nam Bruadaram river with dark clouds Scottish Highlands Isle of
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Sun on Blackhill or Eas a' Bhradain waterfall on the Allt Coire nam Bruadaram river with dark clouds Scottish Highlands Isle of


Blackhill; waterfall; Allt Coire nam Bruadaram; river; Eas a' Bhradain; waterfall; Highway A87; Isle of Skye; Scottish Highlands; Inner Hebrides; Scotland; United Kingdom; UK; dark; clouds; rapids; sun; Marsco; Peak; mountain; Cuillin Hills; Cuillin; mountains; Red Cuillin

Nikon D850
1/320s f/8.0 at 40.0mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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