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Reimar Gaertner | all galleries >> Scotland >> Glen Coe > Black faced sheep grazing at Achnambeithach cottage under Aonach Dubh last of the Three Sisters at Bidean nam Bian Glen Coe Scot
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Black faced sheep grazing at Achnambeithach cottage under Aonach Dubh last of the Three Sisters at Bidean nam Bian Glen Coe Scot


Black faced sheep; sheep; grazing; Achnambeithach cottage; Aonach Dubh; Three Sisters; Bidean nam Bian; Stob Coire nan Lochan; waterfall; Glen Coe; cloud; fog; Scotland; UK; Stob Coire nam Beith; Black Ridge; Scottish Highlands; green; pasture

Nikon D850
1/100s f/8.0 at 28.0mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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