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Reimar Gaertner | all galleries >> slovenia >> Gorizia Hills > View of Church of the Holy Cross and Sveta Goro Holy Mountain with Basilica of the Assumption of Mary from Smartno Brda Slovenia
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View of Church of the Holy Cross and Sveta Goro Holy Mountain with Basilica of the Assumption of Mary from Smartno Brda Slovenia

419 Smartno 1.jpg

Church of the Holy Cross; stations of the Cross; Kojsko; Brda; Slovenia; Europe; Gorizia Brda; vineyard; grape vines; rows; grapes; crops; cherry; trees; orchard; farm; land; green; hills; Gorizia; Hills; Goriska; Brda; church; Spring; wine; country; hill; hilltop; Sveta Gora; Sveto Goro; Holy Mount; Queen; Holy Mountain; Basilica; Assumption of Mary; monastery; bell tower

Nikon D810
1/640s f/8.0 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

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