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Reimar Gaertner | all galleries >> morocco >> marrakech > Traffic from the Djemaa el Fna square to shops in the narrow souk of Marrakech Morocco
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Traffic from the Djemaa el Fna square to shops in the narrow souk of Marrakech Morocco

254 Marrakech Souk 18.jpg

traffic; people; crowd; crowds; motorcycle; bicycle; motorbike; Djemaa el Fna; square; shops; narrow; souk; shop; sell; selling; market; medina; Marrakech; Marrakesh; Morocco; North Africa; goods; shop; shopping; man; djellaba; jellaba; barter; bartering; buy; buying; prickly; pear; cactus; old; women; sit; sitting; Riad Zitoune; Alkadime

Nikon D7000
1/160s f/8.0 at 29.0mm iso400 full exif

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