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Rei Hat | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Nikon D70 Shots tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Nikon D70 Shots

These are the photos I took when I was still using my Nikon D70. I archived them to give way to my new galleries using my new Digital Camera.
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Practice Shots
Practice Shots
Caracol 2005
Caracol 2005
My Workstation
My Workstation
PCCI: Dog Walk for a Cause
PCCI: Dog Walk for a Cause
Body Heat 2005
Body Heat 2005
Eco Park and Avilon Zoo
Eco Park and Avilon Zoo
Asian Karting Open
Asian Karting Open
Fashion Portrait
Fashion Portrait
Bridal Fasion at Century Park Hotel, Manila
Bridal Fasion at Century Park Hotel, Manila
Road Trip, Rizal Province
Road Trip, Rizal Province
Daily Walks
Daily Walks
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