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Reflections by Ruth | all galleries >> Galleries >> Awards > Tranquility at Peddlers
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2004-10-28 Ruth C. Taylor

Tranquility at Peddlers

Peddlers Village


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Vickie BROWN15-Aug-2011 16:18
Beautiful image!
Guest 02-Dec-2009 17:02
Light, colors, reflections, all beautiful !!!
Guest 23-Jan-2008 01:56
Superb image find the most amazing light.
Guest 21-May-2007 14:28
So beautiful!
rick bolt20-Apr-2007 04:57
Oh, my. This is beautiful.
Ron Horloff26-Oct-2005 18:54
I like how the reflection of the two red trees compliment the two swans. Nicely seen, Ruth.
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