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Nancy Daniels | profile | all galleries >> Family 2003 >> August 2003: Scotland and a wee bit of Ireland >> Tattoos: Edinburgh 2003. Cardiff 1987 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tattoos: Edinburgh 2003. Cardiff 1987

This gallery contrasts two tattoos held on the respective castle grounds. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo in 2003 and the Cardiff Searchlight Tattoo in 1987. The Cardiff photos are low quality since they were copied from slides taken in 1987 in low seats with a camera with slow film and no zoom. The Edinburgh Tattoo seemed to be more colourful but was held on a smaller field. The Cardiff Tattoo was on a larger field, and featured more mock battles and military skirmishes -- possibly because there was more room. Both had lots of music and robust bands.
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Edinburgh 2003
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987 - Four on one motorcycle
Cardiff 1987 - Four on one motorcycle
Cardiff 1987 - Climbing a ladder while driving!
Cardiff 1987 - Climbing a ladder while driving!
Cardiff 1987 - Guy in back is upside down on the ladder
Cardiff 1987 - Guy in back is upside down on the ladder
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987
Cardiff 1987 - Review of bands
Cardiff 1987 - Review of bands