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Nancy Daniels | profile | all galleries >> Family 2003 >> August 2003: Scotland and a wee bit of Ireland >> Oban, Island of Mull, McTavish's Restaurant & Show tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Oban, Island of Mull, McTavish's Restaurant & Show

Waiting for the Island of Mull Ferry (in the distance)
Waiting for the Island of Mull Ferry (in the distance)
Turning to pull sideways to the dock
Turning to pull sideways to the dock
Jeff is already on the top deck (rear)
Jeff is already on the top deck (rear)
Getting ready to cast off
Getting ready to cast off
Hitching a free ride
Hitching a free ride
Luke is telling them where to go
Luke is telling them where to go
Not the Island of Mull
Not the Island of Mull
Another shot from the ferry
Another shot from the ferry
Just passing by
Just passing by
Mull Rail - travels to Torosay Castle & Gardens
Mull Rail - travels to Torosay Castle & Gardens
Julie being affectionate
Julie being affectionate
Stopping for water
Stopping for water
Train is now  turned around
Train is now turned around
View from path to Torosay Castle
View from path to Torosay Castle
Jeff was smart.  He took the backpack
Jeff was smart. He took the backpack
Luke trying to go higher
Luke trying to go higher
Twin monkeys
Twin monkeys
Torosay Castle
Torosay Castle
Sliding back to the ferry terminal
Sliding back to the ferry terminal
Pulling in all directions
Pulling in all directions
Oban from the ferry
Oban from the ferry
Can you see Pat's family on their way to the Seal Colony?
Can you see Pat's family on their way to the Seal Colony?
Julie was throwing food to the gulls
Julie was throwing food to the gulls
This guy didn't dance
This guy didn't dance
She did some powerful jigs
She did some powerful jigs
Jake draining his wine glass
Jake draining his wine glass
Luke zonked out
Luke zonked out