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Tim C | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> valve_ajustment tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Mostly pictures for reference, consider this a bit of an expansion on the manual. Speaking of which, DO NOT attempt this without a factory service manual. Clicking on thumbnail will get you a larger photo and a caption which may or may not be helpful. These pics are for entertainment purposes only, I am not a professional mechanic nor do I claim to be any kind of authority when it comes to ajusting shim under bucket valves. I'm just a home mechanic type who happens to own a digital camera.
Valve cover removed
Valve cover removed
Cam and buckets, closeup
Cam and buckets, closeup
Another closeup
Another closeup
Timing hole cover removed, lined up for exhaust valve check
Timing hole cover removed, lined up for exhaust valve check
Low-tech CCT holder
Low-tech CCT holder
Cams removed
Cams removed
Camshafts, out of bike
Camshafts, out of bike
Radiator removed
Radiator removed
Another shot sans radiator. Makes for a lot more room to work.
Another shot sans radiator. Makes for a lot more room to work.
Side shot
Side shot
Bucket removed, shim still in place
Bucket removed, shim still in place
Bucket and shim removed
Bucket and shim removed
Micrometer- you'll be needing one of these.
Micrometer- you'll be needing one of these.
Shims (thanks, J)
Shims (thanks, J)
Intake sprocket, marked on inside
Intake sprocket, marked on inside
cam sprocket marked
cam sprocket marked
exhaust sprocket, post ajustment.
exhaust sprocket, post ajustment.
Assembly lube is your friend.
Assembly lube is your friend.