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RED SLOUGH WMA | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tours, Field Trips, Research, etc. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tours, Field Trips, Research, etc.

Alligator Survey Crew - May 2008
Alligator Survey Crew - May 2008
Big Sit - Oct.-2007
Big Sit - Oct.-2007
Big Sit - Oct.-2007
Big Sit - Oct.-2007
Happy Birders!
Happy Birders!
Forest Service Tour
Forest Service Tour
Snake Charmer
Snake Charmer
Big Sit - Oct. 2007
Big Sit - Oct. 2007
Turtle Man
Turtle Man
Gator Relocation
Gator Relocation
Tulsa Audubon Field Trip
Tulsa Audubon Field Trip
Alligator Survey 2009
Alligator Survey 2009
Alligator Survey 2009
Alligator Survey 2009
Alligator Survey Crew
Alligator Survey Crew
Jim Arterburn Photographing Snow Bunting
Jim Arterburn Photographing Snow Bunting
Birder on Otter Lake Platform
Birder on Otter Lake Platform
Dr. Woods Ornithology Class
Dr. Woods Ornithology Class
Eric Beck Surveying for gallinule & grebe Nests
Eric Beck Surveying for gallinule & grebe Nests
Local 8th Grade Class on Tour
Local 8th Grade Class on Tour
Steve Metz Photographing Snow Bunting
Steve Metz Photographing Snow Bunting
Birders Photographing Snow Bunting
Birders Photographing Snow Bunting
Yellow Rail Rope Drag
Yellow Rail Rope Drag
How to Photograph Yellow Rails in Flight
How to Photograph Yellow Rails in Flight
Yellow Rail Photographers
Yellow Rail Photographers
Mussel Survey - Nov. 2003
Mussel Survey - Nov. 2003
Mussel Survey - Nov. 2003
Mussel Survey - Nov. 2003
Mussel Survey - Nov. 2003
Mussel Survey - Nov. 2003
Wildlife Photographer
Wildlife Photographer
Birders on Unit 30 Platform
Birders on Unit 30 Platform
Forest Service Personel Tour
Forest Service Personel Tour
Audubon Group on Tour
Audubon Group on Tour