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Lin Wood is
calling out Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. Chief Justice Roberts wrote opinions both for and against Obamacare, the inference being that he was blackmailed by Obama to switch from his 30-page opinion against Obamacare to writing the majority opinion in favor of Obamacare. Irregularities with the Roberts' adoption of two Irish children are written about at
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John Roberts and VP Mike Pence are on the board of regents for the Smithsonian museums. The NDAA bill with the second so-called stimulus checks, or relief and restitution for CIA covid biowarfare victims, contained one billion dollars for the Smithsonian, which is closed for the duration of Biden2020virus magic bullet theory of Hey Joe vote gun in passive-aggressive Dim Cap Joe Soprano's hand down by the swamp. Joe shot his DNC voter lady with the magic bullet vote gun, and also with a magic bullet vaccine gun because he does not trust her immune system nor trust doctors with proven successful and harmless treatments such as HCQ, Ivermectin, azithromycin, zinc, curcumin, vitamin C and D, melatonin, Budesinone by nebulizer. Rockefeller SS vision continues to be the Rockefeller-Kissinger's same WW2 war criminal eugenics fraud driven back to the US by USSR, and enthroned in CIA Fort Detrick biowarfare development in 1947 when CIA took Fort Detrick and General Hap Arnold's German nazi holocaust camp war criminals and their biowar programs from US Army Chemical Corps.
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