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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> US Landscapes >> Ghost Towns of the American West > Henry's Boat
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April 2008 Fred Schaad

Henry's Boat

Washington State

Found somewhere along Route 20 "the Old Toroda Road" in Washington State.

Canon EOS-1D Mark III ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM ,Digital
1/1250s, f/4.0, ISO 400, 17mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Marco Valk25-May-2008 06:32
excellent treatment; good work. gmv
Claude Martin14-May-2008 05:43
Superb... this brings through the feeling and the ambient that seams to be in this abundant places...V
John13-May-2008 17:22
Great drama brought into the Photo. Enhanches the mood very well.
Aud Elise Sjøsæther13-May-2008 15:29
Fantastic picture! Love the treatment and tones! V
Milos Markovic13-May-2008 12:45
Splendid composition and tones,
monil13-May-2008 12:04
wonderfull picture and very good work. v
Guest 13-May-2008 10:54
Matthew Mannell13-May-2008 08:15
Looks like it might still float ;-) The moody sky and posts in the b/g work very well.
fdt13-May-2008 07:56
Beautiful image, excellent comp. Vote. f
Fred Parsons13-May-2008 04:54
Very nice B&W
Tom Munson13-May-2008 04:29
An outstanding image, Fred. Beautifully composed. v
CIS13-May-2008 03:30
Times were tough...good dramatic conversion.
Richard Calmes13-May-2008 01:21
Lots of interesting things going on in this image! Great comp and conversion! V
Michael Shpuntov13-May-2008 01:13
very beautiful image. Such a perfect feel created by B&W conversion. Vote.
Bill Warren13-May-2008 00:38
The old wood boat is going back into the land. Voted