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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> Canadian Landscapes >> British Columbia >> The Okanagan > Commonage Pond
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Nov 2005 Fred Schaad

Commonage Pond


On the road to Predator Ridge Golf Course in late November the ice was just beginning to cover the pond.

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Monte Dodge22-Jun-2008 02:47
Nice one,,v
Michael Shpuntov28-Mar-2008 03:27
Great perspective and reflection Well seen this border between the water an ice changing the colors and light. Vote.
Paolo Fercia22-Oct-2007 06:48
Splendida composizione per una foto molto suggestiva. ~V~
Terri Steele17-Jan-2007 01:16
Voted! Stunning photograph. I love the melting ice and reflection.
Guest 07-Jan-2007 04:04
Wow--layers of wonderful reflections! V
Yiannis Pavlis23-Sep-2006 03:58
absolutely spectacular composition.beautifull light and colors.voted.
Anna Pagnacco20-Aug-2006 21:27
A marvel!! ( V ) Anna