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Roger Cicala | all galleries >> lenstest >> This is a 17-55 that had the internal dust magnet syndrome > backtogether.jpg
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OK, truth is I got anxious and there's still a couple of internal dust specks as you can see. But hugely, totally better than the start. Learn from my mistakes: I used the butt end of a screwdriver to 'rub' the front glass seal back down and it left some marks. Should have just pressed it down something soft. Still at this point, a successful first effort IMHO.

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/125s f/5.6 at 45.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Miguel Valvano 21-Mar-2009 12:34
This information is very interesting. Thank you for sharing. My lens is also full of dust, which is very disappointing. Would you tell me what adhesive did you use?
charlie 16-Oct-2008 19:04
My seal came off by just putting my finger under it. Very loose!
I am about to open this thing up. say a prayer!
I have spots on the inside of the lens from water damage. Do I use any special cleaner on the inside?

What type of adhesive should I use to put the seal back on?
charlie 16-Oct-2008 18:55
My seal came off by just putting my finger under it. Very loose!
I am about to open this thing up. say a prayer!
I have spots on the inside of the lens from water damage. Do I use any special cleaner on the inside?

What type of adhesive should I use to put the seal back on?