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Richard Calmes | profile | all galleries >> DANCE GALLERIES >> STUDIO PORTRAIT GALLERIES >> November 2006 Studio tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

November 2006 Studio

These dancers are presented courtesy of the Gwinnett Ballet Theatre (GBT). GBT was founded in 1977 and consists of a non-profit school and a performing company located in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA.

Many people have asked me technical questions so here is my setup: For this shoot I used my Canon 5D set at ISO 125 and my Canon 70-200 f2.8L lens. I used Norman monolights and a combination of soft boxes and spectral diffusers depending on the shot. The lights have a speed of 1/1200 sec so they will stop most of the movement on the jumps. My camera feeds a laptop with a great screen so the RAW shots go directly to Adobe Photoshop Bridge where I evaluate them immediately and make adjustments to lighting etc.

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Whitney Sue Jones
Whitney Sue Jones
Whitney Sue and BJ
Whitney Sue and BJ
Nicole Ranieri
Nicole Ranieri
Garet Erwin
Garet Erwin
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Garet Erwin
Garet Erwin
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Whitney Sue and BJ
Whitney Sue and BJ
Nicole Ranieri
Nicole Ranieri
Whitney Sue and BJ
Whitney Sue and BJ
Sabrina Sandoval
Sabrina Sandoval
Whitney Sue and BJ
Whitney Sue and BJ
Whitney Sue and BJ
Whitney Sue and BJ
Sabrina Sandoval
Sabrina Sandoval
Nicole Ranieri
Nicole Ranieri
Garet Erwin
Garet Erwin
Whitney Sue and BJ
Whitney Sue and BJ
Garet Erwin
Garet Erwin
Whitney Sue and BJ
Whitney Sue and BJ
Nicole Ranieri
Nicole Ranieri
Sabrina Sandoval
Sabrina Sandoval
Whitney Sue Jones
Whitney Sue Jones
Garet Erwin
Garet Erwin
Garet Erwin
Garet Erwin
Whitney Sue Jones
Whitney Sue Jones
Garet Erwin
Garet Erwin
Whitney Sue Jones
Whitney Sue Jones
Garet Erwin
Garet Erwin
Thom Demonstrates
Thom Demonstrates
Thom Jumps Into The Picture
Thom Jumps Into The Picture
Lisa Demonstrates
Lisa Demonstrates
Lisa Applies Garet's Makeup
Lisa Applies Garet's Makeup