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Richard Calmes | all galleries >> Galleries >> VIETNAM WAR 1968-1969 > Young Girl
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Young Girl

Very grainy image shot on Army grade Tri-x and developed in 100 degree water! Now after 40 years she probably has grandcildren!

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Pat08-May-2013 19:08
Wonderful portrait..v
Guest 26-Apr-2011 06:22
Fine, V
Guest 26-Feb-2009 06:33
what a face...just know she will be a beautiful lady
Guest 13-Jan-2009 23:11
This a beautiful little girl.
Guest 13-Jan-2009 23:11
This a beautiful little girl.
Robyco01-Jul-2007 22:05
Great image, you allready had it in your fingers then........
photos_by_moon30-Jun-2007 19:09
I think the grain just adds to this photo, excellent shot
Paco López30-Jun-2007 17:06
Lovely!!!!! Vote!
Sam_C30-Jun-2007 16:44
Beautiful portrait. She may have grown, but the image is timeless!! V
Ceya30-Jun-2007 16:37
Touching portrait of a little girl who is a bit scared.. V!
Guenter Eh30-Jun-2007 16:26
Ah - one of your recent found Richard! What a graceful pose of this little girl. Exciting document of that time!
Tom Munson30-Jun-2007 16:16
Outstanding image Richard. V
Robin Reid30-Jun-2007 15:21
Still quite a moving image. And, yes, it is a bit of a shock that she is now probably a grandmother.
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