Help!!!!! It over taking our yard!!!!! Can I cut it way back!!!! It's over our fence coming in to our back yard. It came with the house!!!!!!
12-May-2013 14:38
I had the same problem for many years until I started actually feeding it with specific hydrangea fertilizer pellets purchased at a garden center. .. Now my enormous pergola has clusters of these beautifully fragranced grape Ike blooms . I do however, feed it more than specified which has proven positive to the soil around their roots.
08-May-2013 16:44
If your wisteria won't bloom I read you need to disturb the base. It was suggested hitting the base with a baseball bat several times. Don't know if it will work mine is still young so I will dig around it and jiggle it a bit.
29-Apr-2013 17:47
I have had wisteria vine for 18 years and it has NEVER bloomed! Anyone know why?