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Gippsland, Victoria.

Thorpdale is a small country town in the Gippsland area of eastern Victoria, Australia,
Famous for its potatoes, it is located amongst rich farmland, Thorpdale spuds are eaten around the country and also exported overseas.
The name "Thorpdale" means "village in a valley" the soil in the area is particularly rich as the town is located in a former volcanic crater.

Canon EOS 6D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/100s f/8.0 at 40.0mm iso200

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Allan Jay18-Aug-2017 17:07
Splendid view anchored with his gorgeous tree!
Ton T.18-Aug-2017 08:57
Excellent composition, most beautiful landscape and superb light! V
Stephanie17-Aug-2017 20:57
What a beautiful scene David! The rolling hills are so pretty too! :) V
Tom LeRoy17-Aug-2017 20:11
A majestic landscape, so colorful and lush. V
bill friedlander17-Aug-2017 18:47
A lovely landscape of greens and yellows and blue accents. V
janescottcumming17-Aug-2017 17:08
Just love viewing photos from this area, so pretty. V
Anitta17-Aug-2017 16:45
What a delight must have been to stand there and look at that gorgeous view. Awesome. V
mario .n17-Aug-2017 16:36
Really superb , great composition !
danad17-Aug-2017 13:01
A superb composition and a beautiful landscape. V.
borisalex17-Aug-2017 12:38
How big is the sky over the beautiful landscape captured! V
Torben Jorgensen17-Aug-2017 12:27
Fantastic colours and light. Superb composition. Very beautiful. V
Bill Miller17-Aug-2017 12:10
Such a lovely warm looking day with the blue sky and lush grass.
Yvonne17-Aug-2017 11:49
Looks like the area could do with a good rain, perhaps that is happening right now?
Superbly captured David. v
Pierre Martin17-Aug-2017 11:41
splendid view of that rural contry!
Kim17-Aug-2017 09:58
Very beautiful landscape image, love how the colors shift from field to field! V
laine17-Aug-2017 09:40
A lovely view of the rolling hills & valleys. V
Ursula Miller17-Aug-2017 05:22
Beautiful with this tree as a focal point in the foreground. Great colors again! V
Gill Kopy17-Aug-2017 04:20
Such a beautiful rural scene - I love the subtle colours V
Hank Vander Velde17-Aug-2017 02:08
Beautiful well composed image David.
Claude Gagnon17-Aug-2017 01:46
What an amazing compo!! Bravo David for this beautiful shot :)) V
larose forest photos17-Aug-2017 01:34
Beautiful vista in this well composed, nicely lit shot. V
Neil Marcus17-Aug-2017 01:06
well composed and beautiful color in the land. Outstanding light."VV"
Jim Coffman17-Aug-2017 00:54
A very beautiful landscape, David... Love those rolling hills!!
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