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Ralph and Kylie Whitten | all galleries >> Ralph's Photos >> "Best" Galleries >> Best Action Photos > Flying Jemima
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Flying Jemima

Canon EOS 20D
1/350s f/5.6 at 11.0mm iso100 full exif

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Arjayphotography06-Nov-2006 17:37
he he, had to navigate to this gallery from the forum posting :-) This is brilliant, how good must she feel, such a beautiful day, out with mum & dad, dad throwing her in the air! What a great capture, moment, and memory. Brilliant.

Small comment, I think a crop of just dad and flying Jemima might add more impact.
Ron Gile29-Oct-2006 17:38
Cool pic, Hope the landing was as good as the toss. cheers, ron